How Can One Use Social Media to Improve SEO Rankings?

How Can One Use Social Media to Improve SEO Rankings?

Arif Chowdhury
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Last Updated on January 22, 2023 by Arif Chowdhury

You may improve SEO and Google search rankings by adding social media to your content marketing strategy. However, do you plan to use social media to increase your SEO efforts? Thus, you need to know how social media helps SEO.

This guide will discuss SEO-friendly social media marketing tactics to boost organic traffic.

To notice a rise in your Google ranking and search visibility, you must improve your SEO strategy. However, with so much content being uploaded online daily, it isn’t easy to get positive results quickly.

It estimates that there are seven million blog posts published every day.

It’s almost impossible for search engine bots to acquire all this data. However, using the right content approach may increase your chances of being discovered.

Read this guide to get the answers to frequently asked questions about improving SEO using social media and how to do it correctly.

Search Engine Optimization with Social Media: What’s the Connection?

Although social media has no direct impact on search engine optimization, the links you post on social media may help you build your brand. For example, your social media content will appear on organic search results.

There are six possible ways that these citations affect SEO.

  • Increase content visibility through content promotion.
  • Increase the lifespan of your content.
  • Receive more organic traffic through keyword research and digital marketing.
  • Brand awareness.
  • Increase brand reputation.
  • Boost your local SEO through link building and social listening.

Social media shares do not affect your SEO results directly but can indirectly impact ranking factors. However, your material may reach a wider audience if it gets viral on social media. And you may receive thousands of quality targeted traffic.

How social media helps to improve overall SEO?

A recent study of 23 million social posts across various platforms found a hazy relationship between social media posts and SEO. For example, the amount of engagements, i.e., like comments you get on your articles, is considered by search engines such as Google Bing when determining your page rank.

However, in other research, we have seen that Google doesn’t place as much significance on these links from social media posts as those can be manipulated freely.

In the other case, manipulating links from an authoritative source is impossible.

However, we can’t deny that SERPs boost sites with many social shares.

Thus, there needs to be a clear correlation between social media and search engine optimization. Yet, you may receive a boost in search engine rankings because of social media.

Quick Note: Social media can play a significant role in SEO. Platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook can drive traffic to your website and improve your search rankings. However, it is essential to focus on the best social media for SEO that is most relevant to your business and audience for the best results.

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Receive endless free traffic.

Thus, you should realize now that social media may affect your search engine results. Even Google is searching for metrics that aren’t simply vanity ones, like links from social media pages.

Get a boost in SEO for social media posts.

Is there a role for social media in search engine optimization? Of course, for the simple reason that social media can influence search engine results.

Your audience will become your brand promoter, consistently engaging and sharing high-quality, relevant material with their peers.


Because you’re providing valuable resources and information in return for their time and attention. Consequently, you will receive passive referral traffic from your audience shares.

Social media can provide you with lots of free referral traffic.

For instance, if your audience shares your content with their peers and engages and shares it, it will continue an endless cycle.

Social sharing can help your content to go viral.

Writing and producing high-quality and relevant content is a great way to increase the number of people that visit your website.

Your content may take any shape as long it can provide you enough engagement from your targeted audience. It is more probable that certain content will be noticed and shared on social media.

  • Exciting content with lots of visual elements
  • Informative videos or tutorials
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts

If you want to generate leads for your marketing campaign, these resources provide relevant information that encourages visitors to return.

Precisely what content marketing is about is presenting the reader with helpful information. To have an impact, you must disseminate your message in the most efficient manner possible.

Quick Note: Do you know that Google and other search engines also index social media posts? Though social media do not provide any do-follow backlinks, your content may rank on SERP, and you may receive thousands of organic free traffic.

How to get a boost in SEO because of social media posts and sharing:

  • Use social media to get your message out there.
  • It’s possible to gain momentum, build a following, and get backlinks by creating helpful content.
  • Search engines offer social media accounts a boost in exposure if they have more relevant content.
  • Your brand’s following expands because of the quality of your goods and services.
  • Consequently, your company’s image improves.
  • In addition, if social media posts link your content, it may help Google index your website faster than usual.
  • Traffic and search engine rankings both benefit from indexation.

Social media sharing will increase if your material is interesting and valuable. Increase the reach of your articles by making them simple for others to share them.

Does social media affect SEO ranking?

It’s time to go more in-depth now that I’ve briefly mentioned it. Social networking is not a defining factor that directly affects SEO results.

Years of arguments have been going on about the relationship between social media and search engine optimization (SEO).

Social media indirectly impacts your SEO ranking.

Many experts assume that social media has little effect on SEO results, yet there is some correlation between social media and the other factors that affect SEO ranks.

Let’s look at the link and how they may affect your overall SEO growth.

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How does social media improve the SEO of your site content?

Even though social networking isn’t a ranking element, there is a link between SEO and social networking. In the last section, I looked at how quality links from social media may positively affect SEO.

Google uses a variety of signals to determine a website’s ranking. You may gather these signals by simultaneously publishing content on many social networking sites. If your social media material is valuable to your audience, they will be happy to share your content on their social media profile.

More and more people will locate and share the postings as they are circulated. However, high authority links are more valued by Google and are used as a ranking factor.

Best social media platforms for SEO?

A multitude of social networking platforms may help with search engine optimization. Since they appear in searches and score highly on search engine results pages (SERPs), these websites are excellent candidates as they perform great in both SERP and social platforms.

Social media is the first port of call for most customers to engage with or purchase from a company.

Why is that?

As a result of social media’s ability to personalize and respond quickly, customer no longer wants to visit the brand’s official webpage and fill out the form for a lengthy email conversation; instead, they prefer instant messaging from social media pages.

Because of these and other important factors, a growing number of online marketers are using various forms of social media to learn more about the marketing efforts of multiple businesses.

Most users investigate their products on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Besides, you’ll obtain up-to-date results if you do a Twitter and LinkedIn search for the keyword “freelance writing,” you would find something like this.

Twitter social media platform.
LinkedIn social media platform.

Scrolling down the page reveals some intriguing facts. The results of my search on Twitter and LinkedIn were almost identical.

As a bonus, LinkedIn will show you more formal results, such as employee and business information about who is currently looking to hire and the most popular articles related to a particular subject. Twitter will show you more personal posts from an individual.

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Social media act as a secondary search engine.

Because of their excellent search engine capabilities, social networking sites may already act like search engines for many users.

The findings demonstrate a high degree of consistency across different social media sites. Other people may use search terms to find relevant content.

Thus, to increase the visibility of your content on social media, upload high-quality content regularly. It’s never too late to start utilizing social media for SEO. You can get started right now.

Which are the best social media networks for search engine optimization? Based on our findings, the most proper social media channels for SEO are below.

Platform #1: LinkedIn.

Marketing professionals use social media mainly for the objective of acquiring new customers. However, despite needing more high-quality leads, LinkedIn is still the best platform for generating business leads, especially for B2B businesses.

Most B2B content marketing is very effective on the LinkedIn platform. In addition, more than 90% of marketers utilize the platform to generate sales leads.

Platform #2: Medium.

You may use this strategy if you don’t have a large enough audience to absorb your content.

Medium and the rest of social media are perfect for this. In addition, you may upload blog posts of all kinds to these sites.

  • Stories
  • Republish content
  • Original content

Medium would have the potential to reach a far larger audience than you could if you were just promoted via your website. Medium articles often appear at the top of Google search results, even for highly competitive search terms with a lot of traffic.

Quick Note: If you start a new blog or website, ranking on Google or other search engines for even low-competitive keywords takes a lot of work. Thus, you should write articles on social media platforms such as Medium and LinkedIn. Then your content has a great chance to rank up quickly.

Platform #3: Facebook.

It’s no surprise that Facebook is the most extensively utilized social networking site globally. They have roughly 3 billion, monthly active users.

Users of Facebook have the option of sharing and creating their material. Therefore, your blog postings will be more effective if you link to them or publish them.

Platform #4: Twitter.

It’s good to use Twitter and Facebook as social media networks for SEO purposes. As I previously said, the more social signals a website has, the better it does in Google searches.

Regarding SEO, popular social platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter directly influence.

Twitter may help you get your message out to a larger audience. If you want your tweets to be seen, you must only provide high-quality information relevant to Twitter users’ interests. Using relevant hashtags may increase the number of views your content receives.

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Platform #5: Pinterest.

Many businesses’ growth solely depends on the search traffic from Pinterest, which is excellent for SEO. So it is because both social media and a search engine, Pinterest, are both.

If you want an SEO benefit from Pinterest, include keywords in the descriptions of your Pins. According to the research results, it seems.

  • The site receives more than 444 million unique visitors each month.
  • Because so many Pinterest searches are unbranded, it’s clear that its users are comfortable getting in touch with businesses they’ve never heard of before.
  • More than 650 million searches are performed by users every month.
  • A whopping 73% of Pinterest users say they use it because it’s entertaining and valuable.
  • Only 17% of users consider Facebook when making purchase decisions, while around 70% consider Pinterest. 


I assume you’ve already figured out SEO and social media relationship and how to use it to your advantage.

Implementing a long-term social media plan may boost your SEO and appear higher in search results.

You should follow the outlined methods to improve your search engine results through social networking.

Learning social media marketing strategies is simple; however, you need to correctly put them into practice in your social media marketing strategy. There’s much more to discover. Continually assess your performance to identify areas for growth.