How to Build a Sales Funnel within Your Content? (Practical Guide)

How to Build a Sales Funnel within Your Content? (Practical Guide)

Arif Chowdhury
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Last Updated on November 21, 2022 by Arif Chowdhury

Every effective marketing plan relies on information in the sales funnel. But the question is – how to build a sales funnel from scratch?

It’s the steps your customer goes through to make a purchase. It all starts with customers being familiar with your product. Then they become potential customers, and if you can successfully nurture them through your sales cycle, they become devoted clients.

Consider what would happen if each new reader to your site made a purchase. Not later, after they’ve navigated your complicated buying funnel, but right now, on their initial visit. What if your marketing job became much simpler and more lucrative?

It’s just that marketing isn’t that simple. In fact, because of the typical customer’s availability of research and rival offers, it’s arguably more difficult now.

  • Before making a purchasing decision, the typical buyer interacts with several pieces of content.
  • Eighty-seven percent of customers now start their research on digital platforms (thus, having the appropriate product is critical to capturing their interest).

Before going on to the subsequent step of the purchasing process, they review various types of products across several sources. Within these steps, the sales team utilizes various lead-generation tools to increase their conversion rate.

It’s challenging to produce the correct information to answer consumers’ inquiries, cultivate their impression of and connection with you, and develop prospects into loyal customers. It’s so complicated that most companies and advertisers are confused about selecting the appropriate product.

It is challenging to convert potential customers to loyal clients through sales stages using various means such as email marketing, lead magnet, or even marketing automation.

In this guide, you will learn what is a sales funnel and how does it work? And how to create a sales funnel for free using content marketing on your site.

Definition: Content marketing funnel.

You may utilize a sales funnel strategy within the content to convert as many prospects as necessary into active clients who buy your goods or services by guiding them via a series of content flows.

How to build a sales funnel? Read this guide to learn all the details about it.

Consider the funnel’s broad top: How many individuals may discover your items or services? All of these persons are prospective consumers or leads.

A significant percentage of visitors will drop out as they progress down your sales funnel stages to the considerably smaller neck. Finally, only a tiny percentage of visitors will reach the end of the stage and become paid customers.

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Why do you need to use Sales Funnels?

Fundamentally, this funnel system is critical since it is crucial to alert organizations about what advertising resources they need and when to support connections and sales appropriately.

Before you build a sales funnel for your business, you first need to learn what a sales funnel is.

Consider this: a straightforward marketing strategy will scare off someone just discovering your service. At the same time, a comprehensive business overview presentation won’t assist someone on the verge of making a purchase decision. Using the sales funnel, you can prevent sending incorrect information to inappropriate customers at the wrong moment.

Quick Note: Do you know that building an attractive and informative yet simple landing page is the first step of your sales funnel? The landing page is at the top of the sales funnel, and the checkout page is at the bottom of the sales funnel. Through proper nurturing customer journey will end by purchasing your product.

How to build a Sales Funnel within your content?

It’s critical to create information along with the sales funnel; 47% of customers conduct product research by reading 3-5 articles from a different source before speaking with a salesperson. Therefore, you should constantly customize your information’s tone, phrasing, and tactics to your user’s requirements and goals at their current stage in the research trip.

There are different types of sales funnel exist. To discover more, below are the three critical phases of a standard sales funnel, along with content suggestions:

1. TOFU: Build up the exposure of your brand.

People are now becoming conscious of the qualities that characterize your business and are learning about what you can offer. However, they are just starting to see the problems that must be addressed in their life and searching for a product that may assist them.

Consumers may benefit from the following content at this stage:

Increasing credibility: To capture a customer’s interest for the initial phase, you must write content that positions you as an expert and demonstrates your business knowledge. You may produce lengthier blog entries, podcasts, product reviews, or informative social media posts; these are your sales and marketing approaches.

Build trust and authority within your business niche to increase credibility among your target audience.

Displaying your brand: Because the first phase is about allowing customers to recognize who you are, employ a genuine corporate identity relevant to your unique style of presenting through your content. Don’t be scared to show off your individuality.

Recommended Reading: Why You Need Content Marketing for Business Growth (Definitive Guide)

2. MOFU: Nurture potential clients with content.

Buyers have a better idea of what kind of product they want from a brand and generally compare your brand to several others. As a result, they’re doing more analysis and looking for additional information to assist them in making a purchase decision.

Among the content and writing concepts for this stage are the following:

Content-focused on the product: You wouldn’t want to force a marketing strategy down the customers’ throats just yet. However, you may delve more into the functions and advantages of your product at this point.

How to create a sales funnel for free? FAQ page is a perfect way to help your audience with a particular topic and build trust.

It may be a research report describing how your solution helped other company issues or a how-to tutorial that illustrates how your service works. Alternatively, create a FAQ section that addresses frequently asked questions about your services. 

Quick Note: Do you know no matter what strategy you use, all will go in vain If your site loading speed is slower than average? When an audience Google searches and finds your content but your site load speed is too slow, then search engines will rank you down for it. Thus, make your site speed faster than average to gain the advantage.

3. BOFU: Promotional content to convert visitors.

With more data at the end of the sales funnel, buyers have better insight into the big picture in making purchase decisions. Better grade leads are also available. However, to bring people back to the initial motive behind their choice of you over your rivals, your brand must provide the last push and a higher sense of urgency.

To aid customers at this point, here are some ways to provide them with information and writing to meet their needs:

Calls-to-action: CTAs are methods people may use to complete an action, for instance, “buy now.” To ensure increased sales and the growth of your customer base, use CTAs that will prompt customers to take advantage of free trials, receive a voucher, or buy your product. CTA is an essential element of your entire sales process. So, use it wisely.

How to build a sales funnel? Utilize CTA smartly in your social media and content marketing.

The apex of a buying moment might be bolstered by showing pleased consumers on your websites and advertising material, particularly those that include quotations or reviews.

You can easily use CTA within your blog content to drive targeted traffic.

Study your customer behavior.

Your duty as a brand leader or a sales team member is to carefully focus information for each phase of the sales funnel—this aids in guiding customers rather than leading them away. While generating leads is challenging, having a good publishing plan can ensure you get nearer to your objective.


Only knowing how to build a sales funnel is not enough. A sales funnel a clever but challenging technique for converting unpaid visitors into paying customers. To make it happen, you’ll need to research your target clients’ habits and do market research to determine what kind of products they want. Then design your sales funnel around it.

Remember, if you want to be successful in the long run, forget about direct marketing instead of assisting your customers. Doing so will help you increase your revenue.