Arif Chowdhury

Arif Chowdhury, CEO and founder of Cliobra, is an accomplished digital marketer, SEO specialist, and financial expert (Chartered Accountant) with over 12 years of comprehensive experience. With a proven track record in managing organizations of various sizes, he offers expert consultancy in optimizing sales and marketing departments.

6 Best Business Plan Software for Startups (Tested and Reviewed)

6 Best Business Plan Software for Startups (Tested and Reviewed)

Managing a new or existing business is challenging and requires complex procedures with expensive experienced employees; otherwise, you may have to count thousands of dollar loss. It is not a job; business is your liability. If anything goes wrong, you are the one who is going to suffer the most because you have invested your …

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8 Reasons You Should Incorporate A CRM System into Your Organization

8 Reasons You Should Incorporate A CRM System into Your Organization

First of all, what is a CRM System? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is software that can help an organization handle sales & marketing in a complete automation process. This software’s primary task is to manage customer relationships and provide service with maximum efficiency. As our world is getting more advanced daily, business communication with customers …

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11 Proven Methods to Promote Affiliate Links & Monetize Your Blog

11 Proven Methods to Promote Affiliate Links & Monetize Your Blog

Everyone wants to earn a passive income that will generate even when they are sleeping. People usually do not like to do a job under the command of other people. They want freedom. There is only one way to achieve independence. That is – having a business of your own. Though almost everyone knows that …

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4 Methodologies You Can Use in Online Learning Platforms

4 Methodologies You Can Use in Online Learning Platforms

In this modern high-technology era, everything has become digitized. We no longer send mail through the post office, no more sending a fax or using telegrams, these are all obsolete now. Even the landline telephone is also backdated. Instead, we now have many tools, such as email, for instant formal communication. Social media is a …

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8 Reasons Why You Should Consider Using an Online Learning Platform

8 Reasons Why You Should Consider Using an Online Learning Platform

First of all, this is the digital era. People are no longer using old ways to communicate with each other. We operate email for instant formal communication. You can use social media like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect with people all around the globe, no matter where they are. We no longer send mail …

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10 Best Marketing Strategies for Online Business (Beginner’s Guide)

10 Best Marketing Strategies for Online Business (Beginner’s Guide)

Nowadays, online businesses are booming more than any existing physical business. It’s mainly because of digital technology advancement. People are used to staying active online more than they remain active in any other physical events. They feel comfortable surfing online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It’s much better and more comfortable to join …

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400+ High DA Guest Posting Site List for Link Building (Massive List)

400+ High DA Guest Posting Site List for Link Building (Massive List)

If you want to build backlinks most safely, then guest blogging is the ultimate solution. However, you may ask, how do I find a blog that accepts guest posts? Do you know guest posting is a free method to get hundreds of quality backlinks to your site? And that’s why many guest bloggers always seek …

400+ High DA Guest Posting Site List for Link Building (Massive List) Read More »

7 Best Marketplaces to Buy and Sell Online Businesses (Review)

7 Best Marketplaces to Buy and Sell Online Businesses (Review)

Before we entered modern computer technology, we used to buy and sell land, brick-and-mortar stores, shops, businesses, etc. But now, in this new era, we started to buy and sell digital products and services, i.e., SEO services, email marketing services, online advertising services, etc. And even more interesting now, we also buy and sell online …

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Ultimate Guide: Social Media Marketing Strategy for Small Business

Ultimate Guide: Social Media Marketing Strategy for Small Business

Many online marketers think building a perfect social media marketing plan can be painfully hard. However, whether it is hard or not, you will find out soon. In this guide, I will show you how to build a marketing plan for your social media campaign with seven easy steps. A marketing plan will mirror your …

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