How to Write an SEO-Optimized Blog Post that Ranks (Practical Guide)

How to Write an SEO-Optimized Blog Post that Ranks (Practical Guide)

Arif Chowdhury
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Last Updated on December 10, 2022 by Arif Chowdhury

Before you learn how to optimize blog posts for SEO, you need a certain amount of imagination. Focus on the layout of your writing and make it enticing to the reader to keep them reading.

Search engine results will rise in popularity if people find and share your helpful material.

As a result, improving your writing abilities is critical if you desire to progress in your career. Use these search engine-friendly techniques to write your first blog post.

Creating SEO-optimized content and publishing to catch audience interest and capture potential leads may seem opposed to some. That is not my opinion at all.

Yes, if you want your blog article to be SEO-friendly, you should ensure the keywords you want to rank highly for are displayed in it.

Too many keywords, on the other hand, may make your text more challenging to comprehend, which is the opposite of what you intended. In addition, if your keyword density is too high, Google may conclude that you’re keyword stuffing your material, which may hurt your search engine results.

This guide will give some SEO content writing advice for beginners and advanced users. Use this advice in your SEO writing that is both readable and search engine friendly.

Keyword research should be your priority.

Before you decide to choose your blog topic, perform some keyword research. First, you must learn which search keywords your target audience uses to top the search engine results page. Second, those topics and keywords you should focus on while writing your article.

Once you’ve finished your research and compiled a list of topics on which you want to produce content, it’s time to start writing. Here are a few hints to make your blog post stand out.

Recommended Reading: What is the Keyword Optimization Technique? (Beginner’s Guide)

Guidelines: SEO for WordPress blog posts.

The most important thing about your blog post is that it’s well-written. Many bloggers start writing whenever inspiration strikes to avoid sitting down and planning their next article.

If you’re not a natural writer, you may need help. Every time I start a new blog, I follow these “rules.”

Quick Note: Social media marketing can boost your off-site search engine optimization and increase organic traffic. However, you have to provide quality content for a better user experience.  

Method #1: Consider your readers first.

Before you begin writing, consider the message you want to communicate. Then, in a few words, communicate your message or ask your audience a simple inquiry.

What precisely are we trying to accomplish here? What do you want from them once they’ve scrolled down? In advance of getting started, consider answering the following questions.

Use Google to find out what your audiences are looking for; this is a perfect way to write an SEO-optimized blog post.

Do a simple topic search in Google for the topic and keyword you intend to rank for better understanding. Then, check search volumes using the “keyword surfer” chrome addon. Also, don’t forget to check the “people also ask” section to get an idea of what your audiences are looking for.

Method #2: Plan an outline for your content.

To write understandable and search engine-friendly content, you require a well-defined structure. As a result, each blog post should include below things:

  • An attractive introduction to catch the eye of your readers;
  • Body section where you put the main discussion;
  • In conclusion, summarize the whole article.
Plan your content outline before you start to write anything, it will help you to write an SEO-optimized blog post.

Write down your thoughts for each of the three sections using a few words. You’ve just finished writing an article summary. Doing so will make your blog post more organized and easy to understand to read. It’s now or never for me as a writer.

Quick Note: Use Google Analytics to measure your site performance. You may check how many visitors you get from Google searches, referrals, or direct sources.

Recommended Reading: 11 Content Creation Hacks that Convert Visitors to Paid Customers

Method #3: Utilize proper headings and paragraphs.

Paragraphs are used by everyone, although not everyone utilizes them well. Don’t use a new line to begin each new phrase simply for neatness. Also, keep your paragraphs brief and focused on a single concept or topic.

Determine the primary topic of each paragraph by doing some in-depth analysis. Then, you should encapsulate that core concept in a single phrase. Add more sections if this isn’t feasible and you’re at a loss for words to convey your primary point.

Smartly use short paragraphs within your content; use proper headings to create a separate section.

Additionally, using different headers makes it easier for your readers to understand what your content is all about. By correctly directing readers, subheadings make it simpler for them to scan the content and make your content’s structure evident for visitors to understand.

Don’t research extensively; use your primary keywords in the title, headings, paragraphs, and meta description. Then, your blog post title and meta description will show in search engine results. So, make it informative, attractive, and SEO friendly.

Method #4: Don’t forget to use transition words correctly.

It’s a good practice to add transition words in your content as it helps readers skim your material and quickly catch the overall idea without much effort. Customers should buy your products for three different reasons.

Transition words are essential. Remember to use them to make your content more exciting and readable.

Consider using cues like “first and foremost,” “secondarily,” and “last.” To help your readers understand your point better, use words such as “although,” “similarly,” and “for example” to read your content flexibly.

Quick Note: Smart transition words can make your content attractive, easy to read, and more appealing to your audience. Use this simple technique to outlast your competitors.

Method #5: Find a balance between targeted and relevant keywords.

In addition to harming your search engine rankings, stuffing your content with keywords makes reading less enjoyable. To keep up with Google’s ever-improving AI, it wishes you to produce engaging content that others will want to read.

There’s no need to include your target keywords in every phrase; you may choose what to write about in other ways.

Synonyms and other terms linked to your primary keyword are one method Google recognizes as the subject of your article. As a result, your content should be filled with synonyms and similar words.

Recommended Reading: How to Write a Perfect SEO Title to Boost Your Organic Traffic?

Method #6: In-depth content is favorable to ranking faster.

Make your blog articles at least 500 words long, at the absolute least. Even though Google prefers long-form content, it may turn your viewers off.

Content length is essential if you care about SEO, for best practice, you should write around 1,500 words blog post.

Only write lengthy articles when you are comfortable with your writing abilities. If your content is in-depth and valuable, it will prompt your readers to read more.

Method #7: Internal linking will boost your SEO.

When writing an article on a particular topic, include links to and from previous pieces you’ve done on the subject. Authorship on the case will help your current and previous blog posts.

The structure of your relationships has an impact on your Google results as well. In addition, remember that your audience may be interested in what you have to say, so connecting to relevant resources may assist. Furthermore, it facilitates their navigation of your website.

Why internal linking is crucial because it will be easier for the crawl bot to discover your content faster.

When you use internal linking, your visitors will benefit, and so will Google. To make it easier for users to browse your site and discover links between the many pieces of information, link your material to and from your past work.

Method #8: Take opinions from your readers.

Have a second set of eyes review your work before you publish it. Insist that they check your post for typos and grammatical mistakes and then ask whether they comprehend what you’re trying to say.

Giving you an impartial assessment of how effectively your material reads and appears may benefit you. Therefore, before submitting your article, speak with a team member who is an expert in the subject matter.

Ask your audience to drop a comment after reading your blog post, it will increase their engagement with you.

Based on it, they may determine if you’ve covered all the necessary material and offer recommendations to improve your article.

Quick Note: Email marketing is a powerful way to boost your sales and referral traffic. First, collect potential leads by offering helpful content such as eBooks and then nurture those leads to make them your loyal customers.

Method #9: Be consistent in publishing blog posts.

Your website is considered active by Google if you update your blog regularly. Conversely, if your website does not publish fresh content regularly, Google will crawl less than usual, reducing your ranks.

Never make a post just out of boredom. Instead, write interesting, engaging, and valuable articles that educate and amuse your viewers while being relevant to their search intents. Only publish such pieces on your website or blog.

Blog posting frequency is very important for the long-term. Try to post at least once every week to maintain your website growth steady.

An editorial calendar may be good if you need help updating your blog regularly. It will help you to tailor the procedure to your own needs and those of your employees.

Quick Note: Regular publishing content is one of the top factors directly related to your search engine ranking. Whatever you do, try to maintain it consistently. For instance, if you can publish one piece of content every week, then continue to do it.

Method #10: Invoke the power of SEO tools.

To write blog articles that are legible and SEO-friendly, use the Yoast SEO plugin’s article analysis tool.

Choose the essential search phrase you want visitors to use to discover your website and work backward from there. After entering the keyword, this plugin will perform a series of tests on your content to determine if it is optimized or needs improvement.

There are many other SEO tools; choose based on your budget and business needs.


I hope you get the best blog layout for SEO by reading this guide.

The most excellent strategy is to prioritize your audience above search engines. Unfortunately, because search engines are becoming more intelligent, they will eventually outlive you no matter your tactics.

Instead of concentrating on search engines, consider your audience and create content for them. Later, consider several essential optimization techniques and implement them. That is all there is to it. It may take some time, but if done correctly, SEO success is an inevitable conclusion.