How to Create an FAQ Page to Drive more Visitors (Practical Guide)

How to Create an FAQ Page to Drive more Visitors (Practical Guide)

Arif Chowdhury
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Last Updated on November 23, 2022 by Arif Chowdhury

Having an FAQ (frequently asked questions) section on your business site takes good care of the hard lifting. They’re a few of the simplest methods to gain new clients, complete purchases, and eliminate addressing the same questions repeatedly. But the question is – how to create an FAQ page?

However, many individuals must provide a list of popular queries on their websites. It’s a bad practice. Continue reading for advice on developing a FAQ section and arguments for why it will benefit your company.

What is the definition of FAQ?

What should a FAQ page look like? It is a section on a website that provides rapid solutions to client inquiries. It refers to frequently asked questions. The goal is to make the responses brief and straightforward so that individuals can quickly get the information they need.

How can an FAQ page provide benefits to your audience?

It saves a lot of time. If you waste considerable time responding to your client’s questions, a FAQ may spare you a great deal of time. It can also assist your eCommerce marketplace in avoiding expensive and time-consuming refunds.

Do you know how to create an FAQ page? Read this guide to learn step by step.

It increases web traffic and attracts new consumers. The objective of Google is to provide answers to queries. You’ve done half a job by putting your content in a Q&A format. Furthermore, suppose you have an excellent solution to a question. In that case, Google may include you in one of their “people also ask” or feature snippets, significantly increasing traffic.

It establishes trust and demonstrates that you know the situation: A well-crafted FAQ page shows knowledge and expertise. You already know what your consumers are saying and have a response ready. It’s a fantastic method to boost your brand credibility and quality.

Is it true that having a FAQ section may boost site SEO? Of course, but do you know how many questions should be on a FAQ? Search engines favor pages that provide solid answers to frequent inquiries. Therefore, your search engine rating will rise if you answer queries correctly on your website.

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What type of questions should you include in your FAQ section?

Peek on your client’s inquiry.

One is self-evident: what else do your consumers inquire about? Look through your email and other platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter accounts, to discover which queries are often asked.

What should a FAQ page look like? Check your client's frequent inquiries, then use those questions and build an FAQ page.

What causes consumers to delay before making a purchase? What kind of concerns may they have? The more responses to these inquiries you can streamline, the simpler it will be for your consumers to purchase with assurance. You’ll also spare yourself a lot of time and effort.

You may also post your FAQ content on social media to boost customer engagement.

Spy on your competitor’s FAQ section.

Start by looking at related sites for inspiration if your business is new and you need more experience regarding FAQs or have few client inquiries yet.

Check this practical example of creating an FAQ page.

If you can explain faster and better than your competitors, you will quickly get a boost in traffic.

Search in Google for ideas.

Start entering a query about your company into the search field using Google’s Auto Suggest function. You’ll find a list of the most popular questions. It might serve as a starting point for determining which questions to include on your FAQ page.

Use Google and look for people, ask section to get the idea of relevant questions for your FAQ page.

Another option is to visit Quora, a website dedicated to answering user questions. Input a topic, pick possible questions, and respond. You’ll get a collection of the most current queries on the subject.

Quick Note: A FAQ should provide basic queries about your brand or miscellaneous inquiries in addition to your product and service. For instance, if you have a Pizza restaurant, you may offer this question and answer, “How to Make a Pizza like us?” People looking for a Pizza recipe will find your content this way, even if they aren’t aware of your content. It is because you’ve now gained a new customer.

Methods of how to create an FAQ page ideally.

Besides, a FAQ section must be quick and straightforward for consumers. These guidelines will assist you in adhering to FAQ standards on your website:

  1. Use FAQ as a title because it is commonly known.
  2. Provide an answer to the most common questions from your clients.
  3. Design your FAQ section in a question-and-answer format.
  4. Write to the point, don’t make it big.
  5. Provide a complete answer to the question.
  6. State a Yes or No explanation first, then elaborate on it.
  7. Refrain from including unnecessary information; make it like you are talking to your client.
  8. Finally, remember to add brand personality to your content.

Method #1: Title the section as FAQ.

Most visitors know about an FAQ page, so use that as the page title. Make it simple by labeling.

If you need to know how many questions should be on a FAQ, then look at examples here to get the idea.

People sometimes include an FAQ section on a different area on their sites, such as the Contact or about page, but you may build your FAQ page and fit it in a visible location thus your client can easily find it.

Quick Note: Knowledge base is another form of the FAQ page. Most large organizations offer prior customer service using their FAQ section so the customer can find the answer to the FAQ section, and their user experience will be pleasant. The FAQ section should have a search bar so the customer can quickly find the appropriate question and answer.

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Method #2: Collecting and analyzing data from the client’s perspective.

Compose the issue as though the clients were asking it. Make it like one conversation with your client. Following this structure makes greater sense to a user, eliminates complexity, and is more precisely aligned with what your client puts into google search:

Your question should be precise and most commonly asked:

For example, “How long will it take to get the product?” or “Is this available outside of the USA?”

Method #3: Design like an inquiry format.

It may seem self-evident, but remember to include genuine responses to commonly asked questions. When users seek an answer to the question, don’t make it too long for them to find out; otherwise, they will lose interest quickly.

Dedicate an entire page for FAQ; thus, it will assist with all common questions from your clients.

To make it easy for them. Categorize your FAQ section with the topic.

Method #4: Keep responses short.

A straightforward, simple solution to your inquiry may sometimes be a comfort. So, try to answer the question in short and precisely in less than a hundred words. But, of course, it only fits appropriately in the FAQ section if you’re offering your products in a sales pitch.

Method #5: Address the topic.

You’d be shocked how often FAQs don’t give you a clear response or link you to another website. If you can, respond to the entire issue in your FAQ section without referring to another website. You can give links to more information, but the solution should be directly on the page.

Let me clear this out for you, take a look here:

Question: Is your service available in France?

Answer: Yes, our service is available in your county, France. However, with a limitation of the below things (you briefly describe the regulation).


Answer: Please click on the link here to see our service coverage.

Quick Note: Remember, FAQ’s primary purpose is to solve your client’s immediate issue. Thus, focus on addressing problems that your clients are facing and provide quick solutions on your FAQ page.

Method #6: Write the answer straightforwardly.

Begin your response to yes/no questions with a “yes” or “no”: People can save time by reading such simple sentences. Furthermore, providing clear responses to questions (yes/no) seems more specific and genuine than wishy-washy.

For instance, take a look below and decide for yourself.

Question: Do you offer free delivery services outside of the USA?

Answer: Yes, we do. However, the only exception is the African continent. (Clear and simple answer to the question)


Answer: We provide a fast and reliable delivery service. Our delivery service is industry-standard and certified by… (No clear answer, and on top of that, unnecessary babbling).

Method #7: Avoid buzzwords.

A few of the reasons that FAQs perform so effectively is that they correspond to what consumers are already wondering or inquiring about. As a result, ensure you’re utilizing terminology and words that your clients are familiar with.

For instance, make it as standard and straightforward as possible.

“Does your business offer free products without cash or prepaid cards?”


“Do you offer a discount?”

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Method #8: Bring your brand personality to the table.

An FAQ section does not have to be dull since it is straightforward. Use it to create your brand’s style (amusing, informal, grave, etc.) and perhaps reveal other facts about your business to give your piece some personality.

It’s an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that an average human behind the website cares about your consumers and answers their queries directly.

For example, ask a personal question in your FAQ.

Question: “Are you planning a vacation to the wilderness??”

Answer: “Thanks for asking. Yes, we do. Care to join us? Why not send us an email?”

Better FAQ questions to cover.

Still, trying to decide what to compose? Here are some examples of things you could write in your FAQ:

  • What are your refunding policies, as well as your business rules?
  • How do you deliver products?
  • How long will it take to finish an order?
  • Any data a client would require to select the appropriate product—for instance, how to choose the proper size.
  • Do any exciting details about your goods or services need to be better known?
  • There are some common misconceptions about your goods or business that you can dispel.
  • If customers are puzzled, provide a complete description of the contrasts between your services.


Before I wrap up this guide, I wanted to ensure you clearly understand how to create an FAQ page. Few reminders do not make it unnecessarily large and also make it precious.

Because your clients are looking for an answer, not an article to read, thus, try to answer their question with as few words as possible. Also include the most common question at the top and the less relevant question at the end of the FAQ section.