240+ High Traffic Blog Commenting Site List (Massive List)

240+ High Traffic Blog Commenting Site List (Massive List)

Arif Chowdhury
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Last Updated on January 22, 2023 by Arif Chowdhury

Blog commenting is a powerful technique to get valuable backlinks to your site. However, before I begin, I want to make this very clear. You will not receive any do-follow backlinks from blog comments. Yes, it is true.

You may have seen many articles about this topic, “Do-follow blog commenting site list.” But avoid falling into their trap. There is no such thing as a “do-follow blog comment.” Even if some blogs still give you do-follow backlinks from their comment section, Google will count them as no-follow.

Now the question is – why is blog comment no-follow? Before 2005, blog commenting was a powerful & easy way to build backlinks for the website. People usually leverage this tactic to gain rank in SERP. After a while, this tactic was overrun by spammers & Google was forced to develop the “no-follow” attribute. Since 2005 blog comments, forum links, and forum signature links have all become no-follow to prevent abuse of this platform.

Why should I focus on blog commenting if this is the case? What will I get from it? Well, though you may not receive any do-follow backlinks, you will still get many other values from this link that will eventually help you to rank your website.

For example, you can use blog commenting to engage with the blogging community, develop a commenting strategy, increase blog engagement, and promote your blog. Additionally, even though the links themselves may be no-follow.

How can blog commenting help me to rank my website?

A do-follow link is not the only way to increase rank in search engines. You may find many websites that never even bother to build any links at all. Still, they are receiving millions of traffic from search engines & have millions of backlinks from thousands of websites around the globe.

How did they do this? Simple, they have created highly engaging content for their audiences. When people visit their site, they share it with their friends on social media, forums, blogs, etc. And this is how they have grown millions of visitors every month & receive millions of backlinks, which helps their site to grow even more.

As you can see, this is a natural way of growth. How many of those links are do-follow? Think carefully; Google has become more intelligent than ever. A natural backlink profile is the safest & powerful way to rank your site. And that’s why my recommendation is – do not bother with do-follow links. Try to get authentic, relevant & quality backlinks regardless of no-follow or do-follow for your site & trust me; it will do the tricks.

Quick Note: Within this list, some blogs/websites do not accept comments anymore. In that case, you should check those websites regularly after 30 days.

Below I have collected a range of blogs that allow comments. All of them have high DA (domain authority). Let’s check this out for now. Later in this article, I will tell you how you can utilize blog comments to get the most out of them to increase your rank in search engines.

Recommended Reading: 400+ High DA Guest Posting Site List for Link Building (Massive List)

66 Blogging & Marketing related websites.

ListWebsite NameDAMonthly TrafficSite link
1Content Marketing Institute76376Kcontentmarketinginstitute.com
2Moz903.1 Millionmoz.com
3Neil Patel887.7 Millionneilpatel.com
4Search Engine Watch83484Ksearchenginewatch.com
5Yoast Blog812.3 Millionyoast.com
6Search Engine Roundtable78520Kseroundtable.com
7Lifehacker9212 Millionlifehacker.com
8Mamamia851.9 Millionmamamia.com.au
9Elephant Journal75758Kelephantjournal.com
16The Blog Herald6348Kblogherald.com
18John Chow5946Kjohnchow.com
19SEO by the Sea6043Kseobythesea.com
20Scoop it933.2 Millionscoop.it
21GetResponse879 Milliongetresponse.com
22Aweber blog8311 Millionaweber.com
23WordStream812.9 Millionwordstream.com
24Marketo Engage751.1 Millionmarketo.com
25Built Visible5764Kbuiltvisible.com
33Matthew Woodward52226Kmatthewwoodward.co.uk
34Bloggers Passion48104Kbloggerspassion.com
35Wistia753.5 Millionwistia.com
37The Hoth49667Kthehoth.com
38SEO Clarity4957Kseoclarity.net
42Blogsolute 4745Kblogsolute.com
43Basic Blog Tips4632Kbasicblogtips.com
44HellBound Bloggers4457Khellboundbloggers.com
47Referral Candy60774Kreferralcandy.com
49Netpeak Software4366Knetpeaksoftware.com
53Propeller Ads581.3 Millionpropellerads.com
57Stan Ventures3463Kstanventures.com
59Update Land341 Millionupdateland.com
63Traffic Generation Café4846Ktrafficgenerationcafe.com
66Fearless Flyer4044Kfearlessflyer.com

62 Business & Social Media Marketing related websites.

ListWebsite NameDAMonthly TrafficSite link
1Business 2 Community861 Millionbusiness2community.com
2Outbrain84499 Millionoutbrain.com
3GoDaddy9358 Milliongodaddy.com
4Inc9214 Millioninc.com
5Success761.4 Millionsuccess.com
6Investopedia9160 Millioninvestopedia.com
7Investing90167 Millioninvesting.com
8The Guardian95286 Milliontheguardian.com
9Forbes95103 Millionforbes.com
10Wall Street Journal9461 Millionwsj.com
11HuffPost9375 Millionhuffpost.com
12Fast Company928.8 Millionfastcompany.com
13OilPrice825.1 Millionoilprice.com
14Bigger Pockets802.9 Millionbiggerpockets.com
15Money Crashers721.8 Millionmoneycrashers.com
16Psychology Today9328 Millionpsychologytoday.com
17Lifehack849 Millionlifehack.org
18Your Tango816.5 Millionyourtango.com
19Pick The Brain6545Kpickthebrain.com
22Bplans661.3 Millionbplans.com
24The Newsify2929Kthenewsify.com
25Digitally Cognizant693.5 Milliondigitally.cognizant.com
26Social Media Examiner781.5 Millionsocialmediaexaminer.com
27SocialMediaToday781 Millionsocialmediatoday.com
28Mashable9313 Millionmashable.com
29Finances Online71831Kfinancesonline.com
30Entrepreneur9211 Millionentrepreneur.com
33Wise Bread70535Kwisebread.com
34I Will Teach You To Be Rich68666Kiwillteachyoutoberich.com
35Money Saving Mom66395Kmoneysavingmom.com
36Post Planner71316Kpostplanner.com
37Dumb Little Man62169Kdumblittleman.com
39The Military Wallet54151Kthemilitarywallet.com
41The Mention67261Kmention.com
42The Edge6481Kprnewpros.prsa.org
48Work at home woman54142Ktheworkathomewoman.com
49International Living671.5 Millioninternationalliving.com
50EscapeArtist 60199Kescapeartist.com
51Scotsman Guide5157Kscotsmanguide.com
52GeekEstate Blog4413Kgeekestateblog.com
53Blog Planet5377Kblog-planet.com
55YFS Magazine5617Kyfsmagazine.com
58Entrepreneurship Secret3426Kentrepreneurshipsecret.com
62Elegant Themes884.4 Millionelegantthemes.com

35 Technology & Web Development related websites.

ListWebsite NameDAMonthly TrafficSite link
1Slashdot913.9 Millionslashdot.org
2VentureBeat923.2 Millionventurebeat.com
3SitePoint874 Millionsitepoint.com
4Read Write87223Kreadwrite.com
5Smashing Magazine912.1 Millionsmashingmagazine.com
6Creative Bloq874.1 Millioncreativebloq.com
7Hongkiat851.9 Millionhongkiat.com
9Creately742.9 Millioncreately.com
11Web Designer Depot83495Kwebdesignerdepot.com
12Web Design Ledger8167Kwebdesignledger.com
13A List Apart81159Kalistapart.com
15Toolbox661.4 Milliontoolbox.com
16All Tech Buzz64340Kalltechbuzz.net
17Colossal741.2 Millionthisiscolossal.com
19Instant Shift6747Kinstantshift.com
20Vandelay Design59105Kvandelaydesign.com
24Colocation America5080Kcolocationamerica.com
27Tech Post2771K99techpost.com
30Blogging Wizard51223Kbloggingwizard.com
31Writer’s Relief5184Kwritersrelief.com
34Cats Who Code50137Kcatswhocode.com

18 Travel & Tour-related websites.

ListWebsite NameDAMonthly TrafficSite link
1Boarding Area811.9 Millionboardingarea.com
3The Planet D70108Ktheplanetd.com
4Go Abroad65845Kgoabroad.com
5eDreams611.6 Millionedreams.com
6Global Grasshopper59170Kglobalgrasshopper.com
7Nomads World55211Knomadsworld.com
9Heather on her travels5329Kheatheronhertravels.com
10The Shooting Star5223Kthe-shooting-star.com
11Shes wanderful4918Ksheswanderful.com
12The Travel Manuel4625Kthetravelmanuel.com
13Travel tales from India4436Ktraveltalesfromindia.in
14Sandeepa Chetan4322Ksandeepachetan.com
16The Wanderer4234Ksid-thewanderer.com
18Be on the road4025Kbeontheroad.com

10 Food related websites.

ListWebsite NameDAMonthly TrafficSite link
1The Kitchn8323 Millionthekitchn.com
2Taste of Home8332 Milliontasteofhome.com
3Hindawi816 Millionhindawi.com
4One Green Planet761.6 Milliononegreenplanet.org
5DisneyFoodBlog681.4 Milliondisneyfoodblog.com
6Tori Avey651.4 Milliontoriavey.com
7Menuism Dining62704Kmenuism.com
9Mother Earth Living69231Kmotherearthliving.com
10Food Dive6554Kfooddive.com

25 Fashion related websites.

ListWebsite NameDAMonthly TrafficSite link
1HelloGiggles871.8 Millionhellogiggles.com
2Just Jared868.6 Millionjustjared.com
3Fashionista841 Millionfashionista.com
4Vogue803.1 Millionvogue.com
5A Cup of Jo721.1 Millioncupofjo.com
6The Blonde Salad6972Ktheblondesalad.com
7Primer Magazine66633Kprimermagazine.com
8Goop772.2 Milliongoop.com
9Offbeat Bride73124Koffbeatbride.com
10College Fashion63448Kcollegefashion.net
11Camille Styles63234Kcamillestyles.com
12Glitter Guide56123Ktheglitterguide.com
14Love My Dress5548Klovemydress.net
15Barefoot Blonde5358Kbarefootblonde.com
16Wit & Delight5297Kwitanddelight.com
17Verve Magazine5129Kvervemagazine.in
18The Skinny Confidential5058Ktheskinnyconfidential.com
20Conscious Lifestyle54137Kconsciouslifestylemag.com
21Pumps & Iron5064Kpumpsandiron.com
22PRCouture 4975Kprcouture.com
24Quintessence blog4842Kquintessenceblog.com

19 Pet & Family related websites.

ListWebsite NameDAMonthly TrafficSite link
1Pets4Homes806.8 Millionpets4homes.co.uk
2The Bark65545Kthebark.com
3BabyCenter8920 Millionbabycenter.com
4Indiewire898.2 Millionindiewire.com
5Cafe Mom862.8 Millioncafemom.com
6ADDitude732.5 Millionadditudemag.com
8Dogs Naturally Magazine581.4 Milliondogsnaturallymagazine.com
10Working Mother70287Kworkingmother.com
11Modern Mom6959Kmodernmom.com
12The Sits Girls6521Kthesitsgirls.com
135 Minutes For Mom6327K5minutesformom.com
15Living Well Mom59102Klivingwellmom.com
16Adoptive Families5745Kadoptivefamilies.com
17Northern Virginia5796Knorthernvirginiamag.com
18Metro Parent57110Kmetroparent.com

11 Education related websites.

ListWebsite NameDAMonthly TrafficSite link
1The University of Texas9312.8 Millionutexas.edu
2Arizona State University9115.8 Millionasu.edu
3eLearn Magazine903.6 Millionelearnmag.acm.org
4Edutopia792.4 Millionedutopia.org
6Open Colleges61603Kopencolleges.edu.au
7The PIE News57190Kthepienews.com
9Getting Smart79204Kgettingsmart.com

Recommended Reading: 120+ High DA Forum List for Backlinks in 2023 (Massive List)

How to utilize blog commenting on receiving referral traffic?

As I said, you will not get any do-follow backlinks. However, referral traffic is all yours. When you post a link in a blog comment, anyone who reads this can click on that link & visit your site; that’s it.

Now it is up to you how smartly you will post that link. If you do it like a spammer, then 98% chance within 3-4 days that the admin will remove the comment upon noticing it. And 100% chance people will not click on it & even if they click on it, they will count your site as spam.

See? It’s entirely up to you. First, you must write a comment that is useful to the audience and looks informative. If you can do that, people will read your comment & certainly will click on your link to visit your site.

You can get thousands to millions of referral traffic from blog commenting using simple tricks.

Try to write at least 100+ words relevant to the topic. The best practice is – to put some information pertinent to the article. However, don’t cover it. In this way, you can easily stand out from your comment from the rest. Your comment visibility chances will increase & you may be able to connect with the admin as well.

Checklist when blog commenting:

  • Make sure the article is highly relevant to your blog/website.
  • Read the entire article from top to bottom.
  • Try to find out any missing info.
  • Sketch a comment minimum of 100+ words.
  • Be polite & mention the writer in your comment.
  • Proofread the statement before submitting it.

How can blog commenting increase rank in SERP?

Like I said before, a blog commenting link is not a do-follow; how can it help your site increase rank in search engines? Though many say that no-follow links are not passing link juice, some believe it does.

You may be surprised that every small to large website has a few no-follow links, making it natural. However, if any website has 100% do-follow links, then Google will mark it as it is impossible to receive 100% do-follow links naturally. Thus, indeed it indicates that this website manually controls its backlink profile. The result is – banning from SERP.

Don't always chase do-follow backlinks. Try to make your backlinks profile natural by having both do-follow & no-follow links from authority sites.

Did you get my point? Google is more innovative than ever. You will indeed get caught if you try to manipulate your backlinks. Having only do-follow links is dangerous. Thus a no-follow link is part of the big game. You need it to rank well in SERP.

Blog commenting techniques.

Before commenting on a blog, you should make sure to follow below techniques:

  • Before commenting, give the post a full reading. It will guarantee that your contribution is pertinent to the topic at hand.
  • Ensure your subject line conveys the primary idea of your message clearly and briefly.
  • Thank the poster by name for their contribution.
  • Get your grammar and spelling right.
  • Tell readers what you think about the post and how your experiences connect.
  • To encourage additional conversation, ask probing questions.
  • Linking too many times in a comment will make it look spammy.
  • Even if you disagree with someone’s point of view, you should treat them with respect and consideration.
  • Take part in the discussion by replying to other posts.
  • Use social media to promote your comment and the blog post it was left on.

Recommended Reading: Why Should You Focus on Link Building? (Complete Guide)

Blog commenting can generate leads & help you to build a network.

Only sometimes target for a do-follow backlink; you will fail in the long run. Instead, try to picture the whole thing in your mind. What is your goal? To make a profit, right?

To get it, you need lots of traffic from your target audience. There are many ways to do it. For example, many target audiences will see your comment when you comment on a blog post. If it is good enough, they will click on your link and try to connect with you. You can attract thousands of potential leads to your website by providing professional, informative comments.

Of course, that blog post must also have thousands of visitors. And that’s why I told you to target high-traffic blogs before posting a comment. So in my list, you will find lots of high-traffic blogs.

Apart from it, you can easily connect with that blog owner by giving professional comments. And by doing so, you can create a robust network. Later getting do-follow backlinks from this network will be a piece of cake for you.

See? With a simple blog comment, you can receive countless opportunities to get backlinks, create networks, receive potential leads & many more.

Executive Summary.

Blog commenting is just a tool for you to open limitless possibilities. However, the result you will get is entirely up to you. Many people completely ruined their websites by misusing this technique. The audience marks them as spam websites & search engines like Google ban them.

With a mistake, you will suffer forever. So do not take this lightly. Doing things right is far better, as you will get a penalty if you don’t.

If you cannot blog comment correctly, then it’s better not to do it. If it takes you a month to give one single comment correctly, then do it, rather than placing hundreds of spam comments in a day. Your one professional comment will do the trick, while hundreds of spam comments will ruin your entire website. Remember, quality always wins over quantity.