Want to Make Money Every Month Selling Fitness Programs Online? Let me show you

Last Updated on October 10, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever wonder how some fitness pros are killing it online?

Making bank while helping people get fit?

I’ve been there. Struggling to make ends meet as a personal trainer.

But then I cracked the code.

Now I’m pulling in $6,100 a month selling my own fitness programs online.

And you can too.

Let’s break it down.

Why Online Fitness Programs Are Gold

First off, why online?

Simple. It’s where the money’s at.

The global online fitness market is exploding.

In 2021, it was valued at $11.39 billion. By 2028, it’s projected to hit $79.87 billion.

That’s a 7x increase in just 7 years.

You want a piece of that pie? I’ll show you how to get it.

Step 1: Find Your Niche

Don’t try to be everything to everyone.

You’ll end up being nothing to no one.

Pick a specific problem you can solve.

Maybe it’s helping busy moms lose the baby weight.

Or showing skinny guys how to pack on muscle.

Whatever it is, get specific.

The riches are in the niches.

Step 2: Create Your Killer Program

Now, what are you gonna sell?

Here’s where most people screw up.

They think they need to create some fancy, complicated program.


Keep it simple.

Focus on results.

What’s the one thing your audience wants most?

Give them a clear path to get there.

My first program? A 12-week body transformation challenge.

Nothing fancy. Just workouts, meal plans, and weekly check-ins.

But it worked. And that’s what matters.

Step 3: Price It Right

Here’s where it gets interesting.

Most people undercharge.

They think, “I’ll price it low to get more customers.”

Bad move.

Low prices attract tire-kickers and time-wasters.

You want committed clients who’ll actually do the work.

So price it high.

My 12-week program? I charge $997.

Seems high? Maybe.

But here’s the thing:

People value what they pay for.

Charge more, and they’ll take it more seriously.

Plus, you’ll need fewer clients to hit your income goals.

Do the math:

$997 x 6 clients per month = $5,982

That’s pretty damn close to our $6,100 target.

And it’s way easier to get 6 high-paying clients than 60 low-paying ones.

Step 4: Build Your Audience

Now, how do you find these clients?

You build an audience.

And no, you don’t need millions of followers.

A small, engaged audience beats a large, disinterested one any day.

Here’s how to build yours:

  1. Pick your platform
    Instagram, YouTube, TikTok – doesn’t matter.
    Just pick one and go all in.
  2. Create valuable content
    Share tips, workouts, recipes.
    Give away your best stuff for free.
    Sounds counterintuitive, but trust me, it works.
  3. Be consistent
    Post every day. No excuses.
    It’s a grind, but it pays off.
  4. Engage with your followers
    Reply to comments, DMs, everything.
    Build real relationships.

Do this consistently, and you’ll build a loyal following.

These are the people who’ll buy from you when you launch your program.

Step 5: Launch Like a Boss

Alright, you’ve got your program and your audience.

Time to launch.

Here’s my proven launch formula:

  1. Tease it
    Start hinting at your program a few weeks before launch.
    Build anticipation.
  2. Offer early-bird pricing
    Give a discount to the first X people who sign up.
    Creates urgency.
  3. Do a live Q&A
    Address objections, show your expertise.
    Build trust.
  4. Use scarcity
    Limit spots or close enrollment after a certain date.
    Pushes people off the fence.
  5. Follow up
    Don’t be afraid to send multiple emails.
    Most sales happen after the 5th touchpoint.

Follow this formula, and you’ll be amazed at the results.

Step 6: Deliver the Goods

You’ve made the sales. Great.

But your job’s not done.

Now you gotta deliver.

And deliver big.

Because happy clients = repeat customers and referrals.

Here’s how to knock it out of the park:

  1. Over-deliver
    Give more than you promised.
    Surprise bonuses, extra support, whatever.
  2. Be available
    Answer questions promptly.
    Show you care.
  3. Celebrate wins
    Highlight client successes.
    Makes them feel good and motivates others.
  4. Get feedback
    Always be improving.
    Ask what they liked, what they didn’t.

Do this, and you’ll build a reputation as the go-to fitness expert in your niche.

Step 7: Rinse and Repeat

You’ve done it. You’ve launched your program and made some sales.

But don’t stop there.

Keep refining your program.

Keep growing your audience.

Keep launching.

Each time will get easier. Each time you’ll learn more.

And before you know it, you’ll blow past that $6,100 a month goal.

The Real Secret to Success

Now, I’ve given you the blueprint.

But here’s the real secret:

It’s not about the money.

Yeah, $6,100 a month is nice.

But what’s really cool?

Changing lives.

Helping people transform their bodies and their confidence.

That’s the real reward.

And when you focus on that, the money follows.

One Last Thing

Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight.

It took me months of trial and error to get where I am.

But if I can do it, so can you.

Just take it one step at a time.

Start with step 1. Then move to step 2.

Before you know it, you’ll be living the dream.

Helping people get fit.

Making great money.

And loving every minute of it.

So what are you waiting for?

Get out there and make it happen.

Your future clients are waiting for you.