Turn Words into Wealth: Monetizing Your Blog Through Writing Competitions

Last Updated on October 5, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever felt like your blog’s just sitting there, not bringing in the dough you know it could?

You’re not alone.

Tons of bloggers are in the same boat, scratching their heads, wondering how to turn those page views into cold, hard cash.

But here’s the kicker: what if I told you there’s a way to make money that’s not only fun but also builds a tight-knit community around your blog?

Enter writing contests.

Why Writing Contests Are a Game-Changer

Let’s face it, the blogging world’s crowded.

Everyone and their grandma’s got a blog these days.

So how do you stand out?

How do you keep people coming back for more?

Simple: you get them involved.

Writing contests do just that.

They’re like a secret weapon for bloggers looking to:

  • Boost engagement
  • Attract new readers
  • Create buzz around their brand
  • And yeah, make some serious cash

But here’s the real kicker: according to a survey by Orbit Media, blogs that run contests see a 34% increase in traffic compared to those that don’t.

That’s not chump change, folks.

Setting Up Your First Writing Contest

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks.

How do you actually set up one of these bad boys?

Step 1: Pick a Theme

First things first, you need a theme.

Something that’ll get people fired up and ready to write.

Maybe it’s tied to current events, or maybe it’s something totally out of left field.

The key is to make it interesting enough that people can’t help but want to participate.

Step 2: Set the Rules

Next up, you gotta lay down the law.

How long should the entries be?

What’s the deadline?

Any specific formatting requirements?

Make it crystal clear so there’s no confusion later on.

Step 3: Choose Your Prizes

Now we’re talking.

This is where you can get creative.

Cash prizes are always a hit, but don’t stop there.

Think about:

  • Featured spots on your blog
  • Mentorship sessions
  • Exclusive access to your products or services

The sky’s the limit.

Just make sure the prizes are worth people’s time and effort.

Step 4: Promote, Promote, Promote

You’ve got the contest set up.

Now it’s time to get the word out.

Use every tool in your arsenal:

  • Social media
  • Email lists
  • Guest posts on other blogs
  • Partnerships with writing communities

The more eyeballs you get on your contest, the better.

Monetizing Your Writing Contest

Alright, now for the million-dollar question: how do you actually make money from this thing?

Here are a few strategies that are working like gangbusters for bloggers right now:

1. Entry Fees

This one’s straightforward.

Charge a small fee for each entry.

Even a buck or two can add up fast if you get enough participants.

Just make sure the prize is worth more than the entry fee, or you’ll look like you’re nickel-and-diming folks.

2. Sponsorships

This is where things can get really interesting.

Reach out to companies in your niche and see if they want to sponsor your contest.

They get exposure, you get funding.


3. Affiliate Partnerships

Partner up with companies that offer writing tools or services.

Promote their products as part of your contest, and earn a commission on any sales.

4. Upsell Your Own Products

Got an e-book on writing tips?

A course on blogging?

Use the contest as a way to showcase what you’ve got to offer.

5. Ad Revenue

More traffic means more eyeballs on ads.

If you’re running display ads on your blog, a successful contest can lead to a nice bump in ad revenue.

Real-World Success: The ProBlogger Story

Need proof this stuff works?

Look no further than Darren Rowse of ProBlogger.

He ran a series of writing contests that not only boosted engagement but also led to a 25% increase in his email subscribers.

That’s a whole lot of potential customers added to his list, just from running a few contests.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Now, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

There are a few landmines you’ll want to avoid:

Don’t Overdo It

Running contests too frequently can lead to fatigue.

Keep ’em special by spacing them out.

Be Transparent

Make sure everyone knows how winners will be chosen.

Transparency is key to building trust with your audience.

Follow Through

Nothing kills trust faster than not delivering on promised prizes.

Make sure you can afford what you’re offering before you start.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

Here’s a pro tip: those contest entries?

They’re gold.

With permission, you can turn the best submissions into blog posts, e-books, or even printed anthologies.

That’s content you didn’t have to create yourself, folks.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Still on the fence?

Consider this: according to a study by Tailwind, contests on average have a 3.7% conversion rate.

That’s higher than most other forms of marketing.

And when you’re talking about turning readers into customers, every percentage point counts.

Keeping the Momentum Going

So you’ve run your first contest.

It was a hit.

Now what?

Here’s how to keep that momentum rolling:

  • Feature winners prominently on your blog
  • Create a “Best Of” compilation from past contests
  • Use feedback to improve future contests

Remember, each contest is a chance to learn and grow.

The Long-Term Benefits

Here’s the thing about writing contests: they’re not just a quick cash grab.

They’re an investment in your blog’s future.

By fostering a community of writers, you’re creating:

  • A loyal readership
  • A pool of potential guest bloggers
  • A network of connections in your niche

These are assets that’ll pay dividends long after the contest is over.

Wrapping It Up

Look, making money from your blog isn’t easy.

If it was, everyone would be doing it.

But writing contests?

They’re a unique way to stand out, engage your audience, and yes, pad your wallet.

They take work, sure.

But the payoff can be huge.

Not just in terms of cold, hard cash, but in the connections and community you’ll build along the way.

So what are you waiting for?

It’s time to cash in on creativity.

Your next writing contest could be the key to unlocking your blog’s true potential.