Make Bank Selling WordPress Themes: A No-BS Guide for Bloggers

Last Updated on October 4, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever stared at your blog’s traffic and thought, “Cool, but where’s the cash?”

You’re not alone.

Turns out, there’s a goldmine hiding in plain sight: WordPress themes.

Let’s cut through the noise and get to the good stuff.

Why WordPress Themes? Here’s the Deal:

WordPress powers 43% of all websites. That’s not a typo.

With millions of sites needing fresh looks, you’re sitting on a potential gold rush.

But here’s the kicker: most theme creators are missing the mark.

They’re churning out cookie-cutter designs that scream “template.”

That’s where you come in.

Your Secret Weapon? Your Blog

You’ve already got an audience.

They trust you.

They dig your style.

Now, imagine serving them exactly what they need.

The 3-Step Money Machine

  1. Create killer themes
  2. Showcase them on your blog
  3. Sell like hotcakes

Sounds simple, right?

It is. But simple doesn’t mean easy.

Let’s break it down.

Step 1: Crafting Themes That Sell Themselves

Know Your Niche

What’s your blog about?

Food? Travel? Tech?

Whatever it is, that’s your goldmine.

You know what your readers want. Give it to them.

Design for Real People

Forget the design jargon.

Think about the person behind the screen.

What makes their life easier?

What solves their problems?

Build that.

Keep It Clean, Keep It Fast

Nobody’s got time for clunky themes.

Make it sleek.

Make it quick.

Google loves speed, and so do users.

Fun fact: A 1-second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% loss in conversions.

Speed sells.

Mobile-First Isn’t Optional

Over 50% of web traffic is mobile.

If your theme looks wonky on a phone, you’re dead in the water.

Test, test, and test again.

Step 2: Turning Your Blog into a Theme Showroom

Live Demo = More Dough

Don’t just tell them it’s great.

Show them.

Use your own blog as a living, breathing example.

Let them kick the tires.

Content is Still King

Write killer posts about:

  • Design trends
  • WordPress tips
  • Success stories of sites using your themes

Become the go-to expert.

When they need a theme, guess who they’ll think of?

SEO Isn’t Dead, It’s Evolved

Target those long-tail keywords.

“Best WordPress theme for food bloggers”

“Fast-loading WP theme for photographers”

Be specific. Be the answer they’re searching for.

Step 3: Selling Without Being Sleazy

Price It Right

Too high? They’ll bounce.

Too low? They’ll think it’s junk.

Research your competition.

Find the sweet spot.

Offer Rock-Solid Support

Nothing kills sales faster than bad reviews.

Be there when they need you.

Quick responses = happy customers = more sales.

Use Scarcity (For Real)

Limited time offers work.

But don’t fake it.

Actually limit your sales or offer genuine bonuses for early birds.

People can smell BS a mile away.

The Nitty-Gritty: Tools of the Trade

Theme Frameworks: Your Secret Weapon

Start with a solid foundation.

Genesis, Underscores, or roll your own if you’re feeling spicy.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Just make it look better.

Version Control: Cover Your A$$

Use Git.

Track changes.

Roll back when you inevitably break something.

It’s not if, it’s when.

Testing Tools: Don’t Guess, Know

  • Google PageSpeed Insights
  • BrowserStack
  • WordPress Theme Check

Test early, test often.

Common Pitfalls (AKA Learn From My Screw-Ups)

Overcomplicating Things

Fancy features are cool.

But you know what’s cooler? Themes that actually sell.

Keep it simple. Add complexity later.

Ignoring Customer Feedback

Your first version will probably suck.

That’s okay.

Listen to your users.

Iterate fast.

Forgetting About Marketing

“If you build it, they will come” is a lie.

You need to hustle.

Guest post.


Get your name out there.

The Money Part: How Much Can You Actually Make?

Here’s the truth: it varies wildly.

Some theme developers pull in six figures.

Others barely cover their hosting costs.

The average? According to recent data, successful WordPress theme developers can earn anywhere from $45,000 to $100,000 per year.

But remember, that’s an average.

Your mileage may vary.

Real Talk: Is This For You?

Ask yourself:

  1. Do you enjoy design and coding?
  2. Can you handle criticism?
  3. Are you in it for the long haul?

If you answered yes, congrats. You might have what it takes.

Getting Started: Your First 30 Days

  1. Choose your niche
  2. Sketch out your first theme
  3. Build a basic version
  4. Test the hell out of it
  5. Launch to your blog audience
  6. Gather feedback
  7. Iterate
  8. Repeat

The Bottom Line

Selling WordPress themes isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme.

It’s a business.

Treat it like one.

Put in the work.

Solve real problems.

The money will follow.

Now stop reading and start building.

Your future customers are waiting.