LinkedIn Message Check Mark: What Does This Mean?

LinkedIn Message Check Mark: What Does This Mean?

Arif Chowdhury
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Last Updated on September 18, 2023 by Arif Chowdhury

LinkedIn stands out as a prominent platform tailored for professionals and businesses alike. It is a hub where individuals can craft comprehensive profiles, spotlight their skills and accomplishments, cultivate connections within their respective industries, and explore fresh prospects.

Moreover, LinkedIn offers an invaluable messaging feature that facilitates communication with your established connections and potential contacts. Within this feature, you can send and receive various content, spanning text messages, voice notes, images, documents, and more.

However, it’s common to ponder the significance of the check mark displayed within LinkedIn messages. You might wonder:

  • What exactly does it signify?
  • How can you discern whether your message has reached its recipient or even been read by them?
  • Is there a way to ascertain if they are composing a response to your message?

In this blog post, we aim to demystify the purpose of that check mark within LinkedIn messages. We’ll delve into its role in helping you comprehend the status of your messages and navigate your interactions more effectively.

Check mark iconography

Within LinkedIn messages, the humble check mark takes on a crucial role as a straightforward yet invaluable status indicator.

It serves as your guide to understanding the fate of your message – whether it has smoothly traversed the digital landscape, landed in the recipient’s court, or been perused by them. Two distinct incarnations exist of this checkmark: the empty and the filled.

The empty check mark, in its simplicity, conveys a clear message. It signifies that your message has departed from your device and journeyed successfully to LinkedIn’s servers.

LinkedIn Message Empty Check Mark

However, it does not guarantee its arrival on the recipient’s device or within their inbox. Essentially, it tells you that your message is en route, but its final destination remains uncertain.

On the other hand, the filled check mark represents a more encouraging scenario. It shows that your message has traversed the digital divide and reached the recipient’s device and inbox.

LinkedIn Message Filled Check Mark
LinkedIn Message Check Mark

However, it is vital to note that this does not imply that they have yet opened or perused its contents. Instead, it is a patient sentinel, indicating that your message awaits their attention, poised for their next interaction.

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Read receipts and typing indicators.

Beyond the check marks, LinkedIn messages come equipped with additional features that furnish you with further insights into the status of your messages. These features include read receipts and typing indicators, each serving a distinct purpose:

Read Receipts: When the recipient has not only received but also opened and read your message, a small eye icon appears adjacent to the filled check mark.

Linkedin Read receipts

This unassuming yet significant symbol signifies that they have received your message and are fully aware of its contents. In essence, it confirms that your message has captured their attention.

Typing Indicators: The inclusion of three dots, positioned adjacent to the recipient’s name, comes into play when they are composing a response to your message.

Linkedin Typing Indicators

These dots indicate that they are actively engaged in the conversation, diligently crafting their reply. Typing indicators add an interactive dimension to your conversation, offering real-time insight into your contact’s engagement and readiness to respond.

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External factors that can influence check marks

While the check marks, read receipts, and typing indicators within LinkedIn messages are undeniably valuable tools for understanding message status, it’s essential to acknowledge that they aren’t infallible and can be influenced by various external factors.

These factors can occasionally lead to confusion or misinterpretation of message status. Here are some of these influential factors and how they can impact these message indicators:

  1. Network Connectivity: The stability and strength of your internet connection and that of the recipient play a pivotal role. If either party experiences a poor or unstable internet connection, it may delay message sending, delivery, or read confirmation. Consequently, the check marks may not update promptly or accurately. In some cases, read receipts or typing indicators may not appear at all. Ensuring a robust and reliable internet connection before engaging in LinkedIn messaging is advisable to mitigate this.
  2. Recipient’s Online Status: The activity status of the recipient on LinkedIn is a key determinant of message response times. If the recipient is offline or inactive on the platform, they may not receive or read your messages promptly. This can lead to extended periods with empty or filled check marks, and you might not observe read receipts or typing indicators. To preempt this issue, it’s a good practice to check the recipient’s online status by looking for a green dot next to their name, indicating their online or active status on LinkedIn.
  3. Device Settings: Your and the recipient’s device settings can also have an impact. Disabling notifications or sound for LinkedIn messages on your device can result in missed alerts upon message reception or sending. Consequently, the check marks may not accurately reflect message status, and you might overlook read receipts or typing indicators. To circumvent this, ensure you have enabled notifications and sound for LinkedIn messages on your device.
  4. Privacy Preferences: Privacy settings, both yours and the recipient’s, can affect message status indicators. If either party has opted to disable read receipts or typing indicators in their privacy settings, these indicators may be absent from your messages. In such cases, the check marks become the sole indicator of message status, which may not provide enough information to ascertain whether the recipient has read or responded to your message. To counter this, enable read receipts and typing indicators in your privacy settings or inquire with the recipient if they have made similar adjustments.

Being aware of these external factors and taking steps to address them can help ensure a smoother and more accurate interpretation of message status within LinkedIn’s messaging platform.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I know if my LinkedIn message has been read?

You can indeed determine if your LinkedIn message has been read by keeping an eye out for a small eye icon positioned alongside the filled check mark within your message. This eye icon signifies that the recipient has taken the time to open and read your message.

However, it’s important to note that the visibility of this feature is contingent on the recipient’s privacy settings. In some cases, the recipient may have configured their settings in a way that prevents the eye icon from appearing, so it’s not always guaranteed.

Furthermore, you have the ability to exercise control over your own read receipts and typing indicators through your data privacy settings. This means you can choose whether or not to enable these features, allowing you to manage the level of visibility you provide to others regarding your message interactions.

What are the notification symbols on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn employs a set of notification symbols, represented as icons, located at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. These icons are found on various tabs, including My Network, Jobs, Messaging, and Notifications.

Their primary purpose is to keep you informed about a range of events and updates that pertain to you, your activities, and your connections on the platform. Here’s a breakdown of some of these notification icons and their corresponding functions:

  1. Bell Icon: This icon, often depicted as a bell, serves as a general notification symbol. It alerts you to a wide array of updates and events, ensuring you stay informed about various activities on your LinkedIn account.
  2. Person Icon: The person icon typically indicates invitations and messages. It’s the go-to symbol when you receive new connection requests or when you have unread messages waiting for your attention.
  3. Briefcase Icon: The briefcase icon signifies job-related notifications and opportunities. Clicking on this icon can lead you to job postings and other career-related updates.
  4. Star Icon: The star icon is associated with activities that involve you directly. It notifies you of any likes, comments, or other interactions on your posts and content.
  5. Newspaper Icon: Represented as a newspaper, this icon is linked to news and articles. Clicking on it will lead you to updates and articles from your network or industry.

By clicking on each of these icons, you can access more detailed information and have the option to manage your notification settings. This allows you to tailor your LinkedIn experience to your preferences and stay updated on the aspects that matter most to you.

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What is the blue tick on LinkedIn?

The blue tick on LinkedIn serves as a verification badge, signifying the authenticity and influence of a profile, whether it belongs to an individual, organization, or company. This verification badge is akin to the blue check mark found on other popular social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.

However, it’s important to note that the blue tick on LinkedIn isn’t accessible to everyone; rather, it is selectively granted by LinkedIn based on specific criteria and standards. Unlike some platforms where users can request or apply for a blue check mark, LinkedIn’s verification process is not initiated by user requests.

In essence, the blue tick on LinkedIn is a mark of distinction that conveys the credibility and significance of the profile it adorns, serving as a recognizable symbol for authentic and influential entities within the LinkedIn ecosystem.

What does the 3rd symbol mean on LinkedIn?

The three-line icon, often referred to as the “3rd symbol” on LinkedIn, is an important visual cue that appears next to certain profiles in your search results or suggested connections. Its presence signifies that you share a third-degree connection with that particular individual.

In simpler terms, you have a mutual connection who is connected to someone else, who, in turn, is connected to the person bearing the three-line icon.

For instance, let’s say you are connected to Alice. Alice, in turn, is connected to Bob, and Bob is connected to Carol. In this scenario, Carol is considered your third-degree connection, and when you encounter her profile, you will notice the 3rd symbol adjacent to her name.

Clicking on this symbol allows you to delve deeper and explore how your network is interconnected with that person. It provides insights into the mutual connections that bridge the gap between you and the individual with the three-line icon, potentially facilitating introductions or networking opportunities.

How do you get a golden tick on LinkedIn?

The golden tick on LinkedIn serves as a distinctive badge, denoting that a user’s profile has successfully completed all the necessary steps outlined by the LinkedIn Profile Strength meter. This accomplishment signifies that the profile contains all the essential information, including a well-crafted headline, a comprehensive summary, detailed experience and education sections, a listing of relevant skills, a professional photo, and more.

Furthermore, the presence of the golden tick also suggests that the profile has been optimized to enhance its visibility and reach on the platform. This optimization may involve strategic use of keywords, garnering recommendations from connections, and accumulating endorsements for showcased skills.

It’s important to note that the golden tick on LinkedIn is not a verification badge akin to the blue tick. Instead, it serves as a recognition of a well-rounded and thoroughly completed profile, available to any user who diligently takes the time to furnish their profile with the requisite information and optimize it for enhanced engagement and networking opportunities.

What is the eye symbol on LinkedIn?

The eye symbol on LinkedIn is a significant icon that appears within your profile’s dashboard. Its primary function is to provide you with insights regarding the number of individuals who have viewed your profile over the past 90 days.

This feature extends further by offering information about the individuals who have visited your profile, including their names, headlines, locations, industries, and more.

By clicking on the eye symbol, you can access a more detailed breakdown of your profile views, allowing you to gain valuable insights into who has shown interest in your LinkedIn profile.

However, it’s important to bear in mind that the availability of this feature, as well as the extent of the information provided, hinges on both your privacy settings and the privacy settings of the individuals who have viewed your profile. Consequently, you may not always be able to see the full details of your profile viewers due to privacy restrictions.

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What is the purple dot on LinkedIn?

The purple dot on LinkedIn serves as a notable indicator that signals recent activity by a user on the platform. When you come across this purple dot next to someone’s name in your feed or notifications, it signifies that they have shared some form of content, be it an update, an article, a video, or any other type of post, within the last 48 hours.

This visual cue is designed to draw your attention to their recent activity, making it easier for you to discover and engage with their latest posts. You can simply click on their name or the purple dot to access their most recent LinkedIn content, enabling you to stay informed about their professional updates and contributions to the platform.


Understanding the nuances of the check marks in LinkedIn messages, along with related features like read receipts and typing indicators, can significantly enhance your communication efficiency on the platform.

It empowers you to gauge the status of your messages and interactions more accurately, ultimately facilitating more effective networking and communication.

It’s equally crucial to remain cognizant of the external factors that can impact these features, as mentioned in the blog post, to avoid potential confusion or misinterpretation.

We hope that this blog post has provided you with valuable insights and guidance on using LinkedIn’s messaging features effectively.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your input is invaluable in our effort to provide you with the most up-to-date and useful information. For more tips and tricks on optimizing your LinkedIn experience, stay tuned to our blog for future updates.

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