How to Promote Online Courses Through Your Blog and Make Money Monthly

Last Updated on October 17, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever feel like your online course is the best-kept secret on the internet?

You’ve poured your heart and soul into creating killer content.

But crickets…

Let’s change that.

Time to turn your blog into a money-making machine that sells your courses while you sleep.

The Blog-to-Bank Account Pipeline

Blogs aren’t just for sharing cat memes and travel pics.

They’re powerful marketing tools that can skyrocket your course sales.

Here’s the deal:

73% of organizations say a blog is their most successful content marketing tactic.

That’s not just talk. That’s cold, hard stats.

So how do we leverage this to fill our pockets?

Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Know Your Audience (Like, Really Know Them)

First things first.

Who are you talking to?

Get inside their heads.

What keeps them up at night?

What problems are they itching to solve?

Your blog posts should be like a mind-reading act.

  • Speak their language
  • Address their pain points
  • Offer solutions they didn’t even know they needed

Remember, you’re not just selling a course.

You’re selling transformation.

Step 2: Content is King, But Consistency is Queen

Here’s where most people drop the ball.

They write a couple of posts, then… crickets again.

Don’t be that person.

Consistency is key.

Set a schedule and stick to it.

Whether it’s once a week or three times a month, be reliable.

Your readers should know when to expect your wisdom bombs.

Step 3: SEO – It’s Not Just a Buzzword

Yeah, I know. SEO sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry.

But here’s the truth:

75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results.

You want a piece of that action? Get cozy with SEO.

  • Research keywords related to your course topic
  • Use them naturally in your posts (no keyword stuffing, please)
  • Optimize your titles, meta descriptions, and headers

Think of SEO as your 24/7 salesperson.

It’s working even when you’re catching Z’s.

Step 4: Provide Insane Value (For Free)

I can hear you now. “But I want to sell my course, not give everything away!”

Trust me on this one.

The more value you provide upfront, the more people will trust you.

And trust = sales.

Give away your best tips.

Share your most powerful insights.

Leave people thinking, “If this is what they’re giving away for free, imagine what’s in the paid course!”

Step 5: Craft Irresistible Lead Magnets

Free content is great, but you need to capture those email addresses.

Enter: the lead magnet.

This could be:

  • A cheat sheet
  • A mini-course
  • An exclusive video

Whatever it is, make it so good they can’t help but hand over their email.

Now you’ve got a direct line to their inbox. Use it wisely.

Step 6: Master the Art of the Soft Sell

Nobody likes to be sold to.

But everyone loves a good story.

Weave mentions of your course naturally into your blog posts.

  • Share a success story from a student
  • Mention a particularly powerful lesson from the course
  • Tease some exclusive content

Make them curious. Make them want more.

Step 7: Create a Content Ecosystem

Your blog isn’t an island.

It’s part of a larger ecosystem.

  • Link to relevant past posts
  • Create a resources page featuring your best content
  • Develop a content upgrade strategy

The goal? Keep them on your site, consuming your content, and inching closer to that “Buy Now” button.

Step 8: Harness the Power of Social Proof

People trust other people more than they trust you.

Harsh, but true.

So let others do the talking.

  • Feature student testimonials
  • Showcase before-and-after results
  • Share case studies

Social proof is like rocket fuel for your course sales.

Step 9: Optimize for Mobile

Here’s a stat that’ll knock your socks off:

Over 50% of global web traffic comes from mobile devices.

If your blog isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re leaving money on the table.

  • Use responsive design
  • Keep paragraphs short
  • Use plenty of white space

Make it easy for people to consume your content on the go.

Step 10: The Money’s in the List

Remember those email addresses you collected?

Time to put them to work.

Craft email sequences that nurture your leads and guide them towards your course.

  • Share exclusive content
  • Offer limited-time discounts
  • Provide sneak peeks into the course

Your email list is your secret weapon. Use it wisely.

Real Talk: It Takes Work

Now, let’s get real for a second.

This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme.

It takes work. Consistent, focused work.

But the payoff? Oh, it’s sweet.

Just ask Pat Flynn, who built a seven-figure business through his blog and online courses.

Or Ramit Sethi, who’s helped over a million students through his blog and courses.

These aren’t anomalies. They’re proof of what’s possible.

The $7,000 Blueprint

So, how do we get to that magical $7,000 a month?

Let’s break it down:

  1. Create a course priced at $297
  2. Aim for 20 sales per month
  3. 20 x $297 = $5,940

Boom. There’s your $7,000 (and then some).

Is it easy? No.

Is it possible? Absolutely.

The Secret Sauce: Authenticity

Here’s the thing most “gurus” won’t tell you:

The real secret to success isn’t some magic formula or hidden tactic.

It’s authenticity.

Be real. Be honest. Be you.

People can smell BS from a mile away.

But they’re drawn to authenticity like moths to a flame.

Your Next Steps

Ready to turn your blog into a course-selling machine?

Here’s what to do next:

  1. Audit your existing content. What’s working? What’s not?
  2. Develop a content calendar focused on your course topic
  3. Create one killer lead magnet
  4. Start building your email list
  5. Craft a series of blog posts that naturally lead to your course

Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint.

But with consistency, authenticity, and a solid strategy, that $7,000 a month is within reach.

Now go make it happen.

Your future students are waiting.