How to Generate Income Monthly by Offering Online Public Speaking Coaching

Last Updated on October 14, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Struggling to figure out how to make a decent living online?

Wondering how to turn your passion for public speaking into actual cash?

Maybe you’ve spent years improving your communication skills but aren’t sure how to monetize them.

Well, you’re not alone.

Thousands of people are in the same boat, wondering how they can break into the online coaching world.

Here’s a fact: the online learning industry is expected to be worth $325 billion by 2025.

And with people always looking to improve their communication skills, offering public speaking coaching online can be a real moneymaker.

Let’s break it down, step by step, so you can learn how to make $5,200 a month from the comfort of your own home by teaching people how to speak better in public.

Why Online Public Speaking Coaching?

First off, why public speaking?

Public speaking is one of those universal skills that can make or break careers.

It’s a must-have skill in sales, management, content creation, and even personal branding.

Think about it:

Whether someone is giving a presentation at work or recording a YouTube video, they need to sound confident and persuasive.

The best part?

Most people suck at it.

They’re terrified of speaking in front of others.

They need help, and they’re willing to pay for it.

That’s where you come in.

Now, let’s talk numbers.

If you charge just $100 per session (which is on the lower end), you’d only need 52 sessions a month to hit $5,200.

That’s about 12-13 sessions per week.

Not too crazy, right?

But it gets better.

Step 1: Identify Your Niche

Here’s the deal:

You don’t want to be just another “public speaking coach.”

That’s too broad.

If you go wide, you’ll blend in with the noise.

You want to go narrow.

Find a specific group of people who need public speaking skills.

Here are some examples:

  • Salespeople looking to improve their pitches
  • Content creators who need to get better at live streams or podcasts
  • Managers who need to give better team presentations
  • Entrepreneurs wanting to nail investor pitches
  • Job seekers working on interview skills

Pick a niche, own it, and become the go-to person for that group.

By being the expert in your chosen lane, you instantly set yourself apart.

Step 2: Build Your Framework

Once you’ve nailed down your niche, you need to create a coaching framework.

People don’t pay for random advice.

They pay for proven systems that give them results.

So, how do you build your framework?

Break public speaking down into digestible steps.

Here’s a simple way to do it:

  1. Foundations – Cover body language, voice control, and speaking anxiety
  2. Content Creation – Help them structure their speech or presentation
  3. Delivery – Work on tone, timing, and emphasis
  4. Feedback and Practice – Provide feedback on real-world practice or recording

This system could be broken down into a 4-week coaching program where you charge clients a flat rate of $400 to $500.

Get 10 clients a month, and boom—you’re already at your $5,200 goal.

Step 3: Set Up Your Online Presence

You’re not going to get clients without visibility.

That’s just the truth.

So, you need to be where your clients hang out.

Here’s how to set up your online presence:

  • Create a website: You need a clean, professional site that explains who you are and what you offer. Tools like Squarespace or Wix can get you up and running in less than a day.
  • Use social media: LinkedIn and Instagram are your best friends here. You can showcase your expertise through posts, videos, and even mini-tutorials.
  • Leverage online platforms: Websites like Udemy or Teachable let you offer a public speaking course that you can sell on autopilot.

Having a strong online presence isn’t optional.

It’s essential.

Plus, 72% of consumers say they use websites to judge the credibility of a business.

So, invest some time in making yours legit.

Step 4: Offer Free Value (To Start)

I get it—no one likes working for free.

But offering free value upfront can be a game changer.


Because people aren’t just going to drop hundreds of dollars without knowing what you can do.

Here’s a good approach:

  • Offer a free webinar or workshop: This gives people a taste of your coaching style.
  • Provide a free downloadable resource: Like a checklist for a killer presentation or tips on overcoming stage fright.
  • Run free consultations: This lets potential clients feel what it’s like to work with you, one-on-one.

Once they see how valuable your advice is, the paid clients will start rolling in.

This brings me to the next point…

Step 5: Create Multiple Income Streams

You don’t have to rely solely on one-on-one coaching to hit that $5,200.

Diversify your income.

Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Group coaching: Charge a bit less per person, but take on more clients at once. This can be through Zoom, for example.
  • Courses: Create a pre-recorded course that people can buy on demand.
  • Speaking gigs: Since you’re an expert, get paid to speak at events, conferences, or even online summits.
  • Membership model: Offer ongoing group coaching or resources for a monthly subscription fee.

One-on-one coaching is great, but having multiple income streams gives you more flexibility and security.

And who doesn’t want that?

Step 6: Leverage Testimonials and Case Studies

Here’s the kicker:

People trust people.

Before anyone buys from you, they’re going to want proof that your coaching actually works.

This is where testimonials and case studies come in.

After you work with a client, ask them to provide a testimonial.

You can even offer a discount or a bonus coaching session in exchange for one.

Over time, you’ll build a solid portfolio of happy clients.

You can then showcase these on your website and social media.

Want to take it a step further?

Create case studies.

Document your client’s journey, the problems they faced, and how your coaching helped them improve.

The more social proof you have, the easier it will be to get new clients.

Step 7: Set Your Pricing Strategy

Now, let’s talk about money.

Pricing is a tricky game.

Price too low, and people won’t value your coaching.

Price too high, and you’ll scare clients off.

So, how do you find the sweet spot?

It all depends on your niche and what your competitors are charging.

Here’s a simple rule of thumb:

  • New coaches: Charge around $50-$100 per session.
  • Experienced coaches: You can go up to $150-$250 per session.
  • Premium coaching: If you’ve built up a reputation and have some killer testimonials, don’t be afraid to charge $500+ per session.

Remember, you can always raise your prices as you gain more experience.

The goal is to price yourself competitively while still reflecting the value you provide.

Step 8: Keep Your Clients Engaged

Here’s a little secret.

Keeping clients coming back is way easier than constantly finding new ones.

So, once you’ve got a few clients, focus on client retention.


  • Offer follow-up coaching packages.
  • Create a loyalty program where returning clients get a discount.
  • Keep in touch with clients through email or social media, offering them ongoing tips and advice.

This way, you’re not starting from scratch every month, hustling to find new clients.

Instead, you have a consistent base of clients who trust you and are willing to pay for your services over time.

Wrap Up

There you have it.

Making $5,200 a month from online public speaking coaching isn’t some pie-in-the-sky dream.

It’s 100% possible if you follow these steps.

Pick a niche. Build a framework. Show up online.

Offer free value. Diversify your income. Use testimonials.

Charge what you’re worth. Keep clients engaged.

Stick to these fundamentals, and in no time, you’ll be earning a solid income while helping others improve a skill that’ll last them a lifetime.