How to Generate Monthly Income by Offering Remote Career Coaching

Last Updated on October 12, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever felt stuck in your career? Yeah, me too.

That’s why I became a remote career coach.

And guess what? It’s not just fulfilling – it’s lucrative.

Let me show you how to turn your experience into a $6,600 monthly income stream.

Sounds good?

Let’s dive in.

Why Remote Career Coaching is Booming

First things first – why career coaching?


The job market’s gone crazy.

According to a recent study, 65% of workers are actively looking for a new job.

That’s a lot of people who need guidance.

And here’s the kicker – they’re willing to pay for it.

The Remote Advantage

Now, why remote?

Because it’s the future, my friend.

No commute, no office rent, just you and your laptop.

Plus, you can reach clients worldwide.

That’s a huge market at your fingertips.

Step 1: Define Your Niche

Here’s where most people mess up.

They try to help everyone.

Big mistake.

You need to niche down.

Are you great at helping people switch careers?

Or maybe you’re a whiz at salary negotiations?

Pick your lane and own it.

Step 2: Set Up Your Online Presence

You’re a remote coach, right?

So you need a killer online presence.

Here’s what you need:

  • A professional website
  • Active social media profiles
  • A LinkedIn page that screams expertise

Don’t skimp on this.

Your online presence is your storefront.

Make it shine.

Step 3: Create Your Coaching Packages

Now we’re getting to the good stuff.

How do you structure your offers?

Here’s a simple framework:

  • Bronze Package: 2 sessions per month
  • Silver Package: 4 sessions per month
  • Gold Package: 8 sessions per month

Price them at $300, $550, and $1000 respectively.

Why these prices?

Because they’re high enough to be taken seriously, but not so high they scare people away.

Step 4: Master the Art of Sales

I know, I know. Sales feels icky.

But here’s the truth – if you can’t sell, you can’t help anyone.

And if you can’t help anyone, you can’t make money.

So get good at sales.

Learn to listen more than you talk.

Understand their pain points.

Then show them how you can solve their problems.

It’s not about being pushy.

It’s about being genuinely helpful.

Step 5: Deliver Exceptional Value

This is where the rubber meets the road.

You’ve got to deliver results.


  • Be prepared for every session
  • Give actionable advice
  • Follow up consistently

Remember, your success depends on your clients’ success.

Make them win, and you’ll win too.

Step 6: Get Testimonials and Referrals

Word of mouth is your best friend.

After each successful engagement, ask for a testimonial.

And don’t be shy about asking for referrals.

A study shows that 92% of people trust recommendations from friends and family.

Use that to your advantage.

Step 7: Scale Your Business

Now you’re rolling.

You’ve got clients, you’re delivering value, and the testimonials are pouring in.

Time to scale.

Here’s how:

  • Create digital products (e-books, courses)
  • Offer group coaching sessions
  • Hire and train other coaches

This is how you go from $6,600 a month to much, much more.

The Math Behind $6,600 Monthly

Let’s break it down:

  • 3 Gold Package clients: $3000
  • 4 Silver Package clients: $2200
  • 4 Bronze Package clients: $1400

Total: $6,600

Is it easy? No.

Is it possible? Absolutely.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Look, I’ve been there.

I’ve made mistakes.

Learn from them:

  • Don’t undervalue yourself
  • Don’t overcommit
  • Don’t neglect your own growth

Keep learning, keep improving.

Your clients are counting on you.

Tools of the Trade

You don’t need much, but you do need these:

  • A reliable video conferencing tool
  • A scheduling software
  • A CRM system

Invest in good tools.

They’ll make your life easier and your service better.

The Mindset of a Successful Career Coach

This is crucial.

You need to believe in yourself.

You need to believe in your clients.

And you need to be resilient.

There will be tough days.

But remember why you started this journey.

You’re here to make a difference.

Keep that fire burning.

Conclusion: Your $6,600 Monthly Journey Starts Now

So there you have it.

The roadmap to generating $6,600 monthly as a remote career coach.

Is it guaranteed? Nope.

Is it possible? You bet.

It takes work, dedication, and a genuine desire to help others.

But if you’ve got those, the sky’s the limit.

Remember, every successful career coach started exactly where you are right now.

The only difference?

They took action.

So what are you waiting for?

Your $6,600 monthly journey starts now.

Go make it happen.