Boost Your Blog’s Revenue: The Ultimate Guide to Video Ad Promotion

Last Updated on October 6, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever wondered how some bloggers seem to rake in the dough while you’re still struggling to make ends meet?

You’re not alone.

The secret sauce? Video ads.

Let’s dive into how you can start cashing in on this goldmine.

Why Video Ads Are the New Black

Video content is exploding.

According to Cisco, by 2022, online videos made up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic.

That’s 15 times higher than it was in 2017.

Crazy, right?

People are glued to their screens, watching everything from cat videos to product reviews.

And where there are eyeballs, there’s money to be made.

Getting Started: The Basics

First things first, you need a blog.

Got one? Great.

If not, get on it.

WordPress, Squarespace, whatever floats your boat.

Just make sure it’s up and running.

Next up, traffic.

No traffic, no money.

Simple as that.

Focus on creating killer content that people actually want to read.

Choosing the Right Video Ad Network

Now, let’s talk networks.

You’ve got options:

  • Google AdSense
  • AdThrive
  • Mediavine

Each has its pros and cons.

Google AdSense is the go-to for many beginners.

Easy to set up, low entry barriers.

But don’t expect to retire on AdSense alone.

As your traffic grows, consider switching to networks like AdThrive or Mediavine.

They often offer higher CPMs (that’s Cost Per Mille, or how much you earn per thousand views).

Placement is Everything

Where you put your video ads can make or break your earnings.

Above the fold? In-content? Sidebar?

Test, test, test.

Some key spots to consider:

  • Header (above your first paragraph)
  • Mid-content (break up those long posts)
  • End of post (catch ’em before they bounce)

Remember, balance is key.

Too many ads, and you’ll drive readers away faster than you can say “monetization.”

Optimizing for Mobile

Here’s a stat that’ll blow your mind:

Over 50% of global web traffic comes from mobile devices.

Ignore mobile at your peril.

Make sure your video ads look good and function well on smartphones and tablets.

No one’s gonna sit around waiting for a clunky ad to load.

They’ll bounce, and you’ll lose out.

Content is Still King

Don’t get so caught up in ad placement that you forget why people come to your blog in the first place.


Keep pumping out high-quality, engaging posts.

The more value you provide, the longer people stick around.

And the longer they stick around, the more ads they see.

It’s a win-win.

Transparency is Queen

Be upfront with your readers about ads.

No one likes feeling tricked.

Let them know you use ads to keep the lights on and the content flowing.

Most people get it.

They might even be more likely to engage with ads if they know it supports your work.

Diversify Your Income Streams

Video ads are great, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Mix it up:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsored posts
  • Digital products
  • Courses

The more income streams, the more stable your blogging business.

Analytics: Your New Best Friend

Get cozy with your analytics.

They’ll tell you:

  • Which posts are killing it
  • Where people are clicking
  • How long they’re sticking around

Use this info to tweak your strategy.

Double down on what works, ditch what doesn’t.

The Power of Storytelling

People connect with stories.

Use them in your content.

Share how you struggled, what you learned, how you succeeded.

It makes your content more relatable, more shareable.

And more shares mean more eyes on those video ads.

SEO: Don’t Forget the Basics

All the video ads in the world won’t help if no one can find your blog.

Brush up on your SEO skills:

  • Use relevant keywords (but don’t stuff)
  • Create compelling meta descriptions
  • Build quality backlinks

A well-optimized blog climbs the search rankings, bringing in more organic traffic.

More traffic = more ad views = more moolah.

Video Ad Formats: Mix It Up

Not all video ads are created equal.

Try different formats:

  • Pre-roll (before your content)
  • Mid-roll (during longer videos)
  • Outstream (standalone video ads)

See what resonates with your audience.

Different niches respond to different formats.

The Mobile-First Approach

Remember that mobile stat from earlier?

Take it a step further.

Design your blog with mobile in mind from the get-go.

It’s not just about making sure things look okay on a smaller screen.

It’s about optimizing the entire experience for mobile users.

Engage, Engage, Engage

Engagement is the name of the game.

Respond to comments, ask questions, create polls.

The more engaged your audience, the more likely they are to return.

And returning visitors are gold for video ad revenue.

The Need for Speed

Slow-loading pages are the kiss of death for video ads.

People won’t wait around.

Optimize your site speed:

  • Compress images
  • Minimize plugins
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN)

Every second counts.

A/B Testing: Your Secret Weapon

Don’t just guess what works.

Test it.

A/B testing lets you compare different:

  • Ad placements
  • Ad formats
  • Content layouts

Use the data to make informed decisions.

Small tweaks can lead to big gains in ad revenue.

The Ethics of Advertising

Let’s talk ethics for a sec.

Not all ads are created equal.

Be picky about what you promote.

Your reputation is on the line.

Pushing sketchy products for a quick buck?

Not worth it in the long run.

Staying Up-to-Date

The digital landscape changes fast.

What works today might be old news tomorrow.

Stay on top of trends:

  • Follow industry blogs
  • Attend webinars
  • Network with other bloggers

Knowledge is power, especially in the world of video ad monetization.

The Long Game

Here’s the truth:

Making money from video ads on your blog isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme.

It takes time, effort, and patience.

But stick with it, keep learning, keep improving.

The payoff can be huge.

Just ask Pat Flynn, who reportedly earns over $100,000 a month from his blog.

Now, that’s not typical.

But it shows what’s possible.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it.

The ins and outs of making money by promoting video ads on your blog.


  • Quality content comes first
  • Optimize for mobile
  • Test, analyze, improve

Keep at it, stay patient, and watch those ad dollars roll in.

Now go make some money.