Curated Lists: Your Secret Weapon for Monthly Blog Income (Practical Guide)

Last Updated on October 5, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels trying to make money from your blog?

You’re not alone.

Tons of bloggers are out there hustling, creating content day in and day out, but barely seeing a dime.

It’s frustrating as hell.

But what if I told you there’s a way to turn your blog into a money-making machine without breaking your back?

Enter: curated lists.

Why Curated Lists Are Your Golden Ticket

Let’s get real for a second.

People love lists.

They’re easy to digest, fun to share, and crazy addictive.

Think about it – how many times have you clicked on a “Top 10” article this week?


According to a study by Backlinko, listicles get 218% more shares than “how-to” articles.

That’s not chump change.

But here’s the kicker:

You don’t have to create all that content yourself.

The Power of Curation

Curation is like being a DJ for content.

You’re not creating the tracks, you’re just picking the best ones and putting them together in a way that gets people moving.

It’s all about having a keen eye and knowing what your audience wants.

And the best part?

It takes way less time than creating everything from scratch.

How to Make Money with Curated Lists

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks.

How do you actually turn these lists into cold, hard cash?

Here’s the breakdown:

1. Choose Your Niche

First things first, you gotta pick your lane.

What are you passionate about?

What do you know inside and out?

That’s your sweet spot.

2. Know Your Audience

Who are you talking to?

What keeps them up at night?

What makes them tick?

Get inside their heads.

3. Find the Gold

Now it’s time to dig for treasure.

Scour the internet for the best content in your niche.

Look for:

  • Trending topics
  • Evergreen content
  • Hidden gems

4. Add Your Secret Sauce

Don’t just copy and paste.

Add your own commentary.

Explain why each item made the cut.

Give it your personal touch.

5. Make It Pretty

Presentation matters.

Use eye-catching images.

Break up the text with subheadings.

Make it easy on the eyes.

6. Monetize, Baby

Here’s where the rubber meets the road.

There are a few ways to turn your lists into cash:

  • Affiliate links: Include products or services in your lists and earn a commission when people buy through your link.
  • Sponsored content: Team up with brands to feature their products in your lists.
  • Ad revenue: The more traffic you get, the more you can earn from ads.
  • Premium lists: Create exclusive, in-depth lists that people pay to access.

The Secret Sauce: Quality Over Quantity

Here’s the thing:

You can’t just slap together any old list and expect the cash to start rolling in.

Quality matters.

Your lists need to be:

  • Useful: Solve a problem or fulfill a need
  • Unique: Offer a fresh perspective
  • Entertaining: Keep people engaged
  • Actionable: Give people something they can do right away

Overcoming Common Roadblocks

Now, I’m not gonna lie to you.

This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme.

You’re gonna hit some bumps along the way.

Here are some common ones and how to tackle them:

1. Finding Quality Content

It can be tough to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Solution: Set up Google Alerts for your topics. Follow industry leaders on social media. Use tools like Feedly to curate content from top sources.

2. Standing Out in a Crowded Space

Everyone and their dog is creating lists these days.

Solution: Niche down. The more specific your lists, the less competition you’ll face.

3. Maintaining Consistency

It’s easy to lose steam after a few lists.

Solution: Batch your work. Set aside one day a week to curate multiple lists. Schedule them in advance.

4. Balancing Curation and Original Content

You don’t want to lose your voice in all the curation.

Solution: Aim for a 70/30 split. 70% curated, 30% original. Use your original content to showcase your expertise and build trust.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Still not convinced?

Let’s talk numbers.

According to a report by Orbit Media, bloggers who publish lists consistently are 2.5 times more likely to report “strong results” than those who don’t.

And get this:

A survey by BuzzSumo found that list posts get an average of 11,989 social shares.

That’s a lot of eyeballs on your content.

Your Action Plan

Alright, enough talk.

Let’s get you started on your path to curated list domination.

Here’s your step-by-step plan:

  1. Choose your niche
  2. Set up content curation tools
  3. Create a content calendar
  4. Start with one list per week
  5. Promote the hell out of it
  6. Analyze your results
  7. Rinse and repeat

The Bottom Line

Curated lists aren’t just a way to make money.

They’re a way to provide value to your audience.

To save them time.

To help them make better decisions.

And when you do that consistently, the money will follow.

So what are you waiting for?

Get out there and start curating.

Your wallet (and your audience) will thank you.