How to Turn Your Blog into an Art Sales Powerhouse (Actionable Tips and Ideas)

Last Updated on October 4, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever stared at your artwork, wondering if it’ll ever do more than collect dust?

You’re not alone.

Many artists dream of turning their passion into profit.

But here’s the kicker: 71% of artists make less than $10,000 a year from their art.


But don’t toss that paintbrush just yet.

There’s a game-changer in town: your blog.

Why Your Blog is Your Secret Weapon

Think of your blog as your 24/7 art gallery.

It’s always open.

Always showcasing your best work.

And it’s reaching people you’d never meet in person.

Here’s the deal:

Blogs with visual content get 94% more views than those without.

That’s your artwork, front and center.

Step 1: Create Content That Hooks ‘Em

First things first: your blog needs to be a magnet.


  • Share your process. People love behind-the-scenes stuff.
  • Tell the stories behind your art. What inspired that landscape?
  • Give tips on art techniques. Be the go-to expert.

Remember: every post is a chance to show off your style.

Step 2: Build Your Tribe

You need fans, not just visitors.

Here’s how:

  • Engage in comments. Chat with your readers.
  • Start an email list. It’s gold for sales.
  • Collaborate with other artists. Cross-promotion is powerful.

Pro tip: Respond to every comment. Every. Single. One.

Step 3: Set Up Your Online Store

Now we’re talking business.


  1. Use platforms like Etsy or Shopify
  2. Sell directly through your blog

Choose what feels right for you.

But here’s the key: make it dead simple to buy.

One click from admiring to owning.

Step 4: Price Like a Pro

Pricing art is tricky.

Too low? You’re selling yourself short.

Too high? Crickets.

Find that sweet spot:

  • Research similar artists
  • Factor in materials, time, and skill
  • Don’t be afraid to adjust

Remember: your worth isn’t just in materials.

It’s in your unique vision.

Step 5: Create FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Limited editions are your friend.


They create urgency.

“Only 5 prints left” gets people moving.

Other ideas:

  • Timed sales
  • Exclusive offers for subscribers
  • Early access to new pieces

Make people feel special for owning your art.

Step 6: Diversify Your Offerings

Not everyone can drop big bucks on original pieces.

So, mix it up:

  • Original artworks
  • Limited edition prints
  • Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts, etc.)
  • Digital downloads

Something for every budget.

Step 7: Master the Art of the Soft Sell

Nobody likes a pushy salesperson.

So don’t be one.


  • Share the story behind each piece
  • Show how your art looks in real homes
  • Let your passion shine through

Your enthusiasm is contagious.

Step 8: Leverage Social Media

Your blog is home base.

Social media? That’s your megaphone.

Use it to:

  • Tease new pieces
  • Share blog posts
  • Connect with potential buyers

Did you know? Pinterest drives 25% of all retail website referral traffic.

That’s huge for visual artists.

Step 9: Collaborate and Cross-Promote

Team up with:

  • Other artists
  • Interior designers
  • Local businesses

It’s all about expanding your reach.

And hey, it’s more fun than going solo.

Step 10: Analyze and Adapt

Keep an eye on:

  • Which posts get the most engagement
  • What types of art sell best
  • Where your traffic comes from

Use tools like Google Analytics.

It’s free and powerful.

Real Talk: It Takes Time

Here’s the truth: this isn’t an overnight success story.

It’s a grind.

But it’s a grind that can pay off big time.

Just ask Ashley Longshore.

She started selling art on MySpace (yeah, that long ago).

Now? She’s collaborated with Diane von Furstenberg and her art sells for up to $30,000 a piece.

All through online sales and social media.

The Bottom Line

Your art deserves to be seen and sold.

Your blog is the tool to make it happen.

It’s not just about selling art.

It’s about building a brand.

Your brand.

So get out there.

Start blogging.

Start selling.

And turn that passion into profit.

Remember: every successful artist started somewhere.

Why not start with your next blog post?