How to Build Monthly Income with Remote Health and Wellness Coaching

Last Updated on October 15, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever felt stuck in a job that doesn’t light you up?

Dreaming of making a real difference while working from anywhere?

Welcome to the world of remote health and wellness coaching.

It’s not just a pipe dream.

People are doing it right now, building thriving businesses from their laptops.

And yeah, that $4,700 monthly income?

It’s happening.

Let’s break down how you can get there too.

Why Health and Wellness Coaching?

First off, let’s talk about why this field is blowing up.

People are sick of feeling like crap.

They’re tired of quick fixes that don’t stick.

They want real, lasting change.

And they’re willing to pay for it.

According to the Global Wellness Institute, the wellness economy was valued at $4.4 trillion in 2020.

That’s trillion with a T.

And it’s only getting bigger.

The Remote Advantage

Now, add “remote” to the mix.

Suddenly, you’re not limited to clients in your zip code.

You can work with anyone, anywhere.

Plus, no commute, no office rent, and you can work in your PJs if you want.

(Just don’t tell your clients that last part.)

Getting Started: The Nitty-Gritty

Alright, let’s get into the meat of this thing.

How do you actually make this happen?

1. Pick Your Niche

Don’t try to be everything to everyone.

You’ll end up being nothing to no one.

Find your sweet spot.

Maybe it’s:

  • Weight loss for busy moms
  • Stress management for CEOs
  • Nutrition for athletes

Whatever it is, own it.

Become the go-to person in that space.

2. Get Certified (But Don’t Get Stuck Here)

Certifications are great.

They give you credibility and knowledge.

But don’t let them hold you back.

You don’t need 17 letters after your name to start helping people.

Get a solid certification, then get to work.

The real learning happens on the job.

3. Set Up Your Online Presence

You need a home base online.

A simple website will do.


  • Who you help
  • How you help them
  • Your story (why should they trust you?)
  • How to work with you

Don’t overthink it.

Done is better than perfect.

4. Choose Your Platforms

Where do your ideal clients hang out online?

That’s where you need to be.

Instagram? LinkedIn? TikTok?

Pick 1-2 platforms and crush them.

Better to be great on one than mediocre on five.

5. Create Value-Packed Content

This is how you build trust and authority.

Share tips, insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.

Be real. Be helpful. Be consistent.

People buy from those they know, like, and trust.

Your content helps tick all those boxes.

6. Offer 1:1 Coaching

This is where the real magic happens.

And where the money starts rolling in.

Start with a handful of clients.

Give them your all.

Get results. Get testimonials.

These are gold for attracting more clients.

7. Scale with Group Programs

Once you’ve got your 1:1 process dialed in, think bigger.

Group programs let you help more people without working more hours.


The Money Breakdown

Now, let’s talk numbers.

How do you actually hit that $4,700 monthly target?

Here’s one way it could look:

  • 5 high-end 1:1 clients at $500/month = $2,500
  • 1 group program with 20 people at $97/month = $1,940
  • 1 low-ticket digital product at $37 with 7 sales/month = $259

Total: $4,699

Boom. There’s your $4,700.

Common Pitfalls (And How to Dodge Them)

1. Undercharging

Don’t do it.

Your time and expertise are valuable.

Charge accordingly.

Remember, you’re not selling your time.

You’re selling transformation.

2. Overdelivering (to a Fault)

Yes, go above and beyond.

But set boundaries.

You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Take care of yourself first.

3. Neglecting Your Own Health

Practice what you preach.

You can’t help others if you’re burning out.

Make time for your own wellness routine.

4. Trying to Please Everyone

You’re not for everyone.

And that’s okay.

Focus on serving your ideal clients.

The ones who resonate with your message and methods.

The Real Talk

Look, building a $4,700 monthly income with remote health and wellness coaching isn’t easy.

It takes work. Dedication. Persistence.

You’ll have doubts. Setbacks. Moments where you want to quit.

But if you stick with it?

If you keep showing up, learning, and serving your clients?

That $4,700 goal is just the beginning.

Final Thoughts

The world needs more people committed to health and wellness.

More people willing to guide others on their journey to better lives.

Could that be you?

Only you can answer that.

But if you’re feeling a pull towards this work, take it seriously.

It could be the start of something amazing.

For you, and for all the lives you’ll touch along the way.

Now go make it happen.