How to Generate Income Each Month by Launching an Online DIY Craft Store

Last Updated on October 13, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for crafts into a legit money-making machine?

Well, buckle up because we’re about to dive into the world of online DIY craft stores.

And not just any store – we’re talking about one that pulls in $6,500 a month.

Sounds crazy?


But it’s happening right now for crafty entrepreneurs who’ve cracked the code.

Let’s break it down, no BS, no fluff – just the real deal on how to make this happen.

The DIY Craft Boom: Why Now’s the Time to Jump In

First things first – why DIY crafts?

Simple. The market’s exploding.

According to a recent study by the Craft & Hobby Association, the DIY craft industry is worth a whopping $36 billion in the US alone.

That’s billion with a B.

And get this – online sales are growing faster than ever.

People are hungry for unique, handmade stuff.

They’re tired of mass-produced junk and want something with a story.

That’s where you come in.

Finding Your Craft Niche: The Key to Standing Out

Now, you might be thinking, “But everyone’s selling crafts online!”

True, but here’s the secret: niche down.

Don’t try to be everything to everyone.

Pick a specific type of craft and own it.

Maybe it’s:

  • Eco-friendly jewelry made from recycled materials
  • Custom pet portraits using embroidery
  • Minimalist wooden home decor
  • Geeky cross-stitch patterns for video game lovers

The possibilities are endless.

The key is to choose something you’re passionate about and that has a clear target audience.

Setting Up Shop: Where to Sell Your Crafts

You’ve got options here:

  1. Etsy: The OG of craft marketplaces. Easy to set up, built-in audience, but lots of competition.
  2. Shopify: More control, looks more professional, but you’ll need to drive your own traffic.
  3. Amazon Handmade: Huge potential audience, but strict rules and fees.
  4. Your own website: Complete control, but requires more tech know-how and marketing effort.

My advice?

Start with Etsy to test the waters, then expand to your own site as you grow.

Pricing for Profit: Don’t Sell Yourself Short

Here’s where most craft sellers mess up – they price too low.

They think, “I need to be cheaper than everyone else!”


You need to price for profit.

Here’s a simple formula:

(Cost of materials + Labor cost) x 2 = Wholesale price Wholesale price x 2 = Retail price


Materials cost: $10 Labor (2 hours at $20/hour): $40 (10 + 40) x 2 = $100 wholesale $100 x 2 = $200 retail

Seems high?


But remember, you’re selling a unique, handmade item.

People will pay for quality and uniqueness.

Mastering Product Photography: Make Your Crafts Shine

In the online world, your photos are everything.

Bad photos = no sales.

It’s that simple.

You don’t need a fancy camera, but you do need:

  • Good lighting (natural light is best)
  • A clean, simple background
  • Multiple angles of each product
  • Lifestyle shots showing the product in use

Invest time in learning basic photo editing too.

A little tweaking can make a huge difference.

SEO: Getting Found in the Crowd

SEO isn’t just for big websites.

It’s crucial for your craft store too.

Here’s the quick and dirty on SEO for craft sellers:

  • Use descriptive, keyword-rich titles for your products
  • Write detailed product descriptions
  • Use all available tags and categories
  • Encourage customer reviews (they’re SEO gold)

Remember, think like a buyer.

What words would they use to search for your product?

Use those words in your listings.

Social Media: Your Secret Weapon

Social media is a goldmine for craft sellers.

Here’s why:

  • It’s visual (perfect for showcasing your work)
  • It’s free (or cheap if you run ads)
  • It lets you connect directly with potential customers

Focus on platforms where your target audience hangs out.

For most crafts, that’s Instagram and Pinterest.

Post regularly, engage with followers, and use relevant hashtags.

Scaling Up: From Side Hustle to $6,500/Month Business

Now, let’s talk numbers.

To hit that $6,500/month goal, you need to break it down:

$6,500 / 30 days = $216.67 per day

If your average product sells for $50, that’s about 4-5 sales per day.

Totally doable.

But how do you get there?

  1. Streamline your production process
  2. Expand your product line (but stay within your niche)
  3. Hire help for non-creative tasks (packaging, shipping, etc.)
  4. Reinvest profits into marketing and better equipment
  5. Consider offering craft kits or digital patterns for passive income

The Power of Email Marketing: Building a Loyal Customer Base

Here’s a stat that’ll blow your mind:

Email marketing has an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent.

That’s insane.

And it’s perfect for craft sellers.

Here’s how to use it:

  • Offer a discount code for joining your email list
  • Send regular updates with new products and behind-the-scenes content
  • Create exclusive offers for your email subscribers
  • Use email to tell the story behind your crafts

People buy from people they like and trust.

Email helps you build that relationship.

Dealing with the Ups and Downs: The Reality of Craft Business

Let’s get real for a second.

Running a craft business isn’t all rainbows and unicorns.

There will be slow months.

There will be times when you feel like giving up.

That’s normal.

The key is to:

  • Keep innovating and trying new products
  • Stay connected with your customers
  • Learn from your failures (they’re just lessons in disguise)
  • Remember why you started in the first place

The Secret Sauce: Authenticity and Passion

Here’s the thing about making $6,500 a month from crafts:

It’s not just about the money.

It’s about creating something meaningful.

Something that brings joy to others.

That passion and authenticity?

It shines through in your work.

It’s what sets you apart from mass-produced junk.

It’s what will keep customers coming back.

And ultimately, it’s what will get you to that $6,500/month goal.

Wrapping It Up: Your Roadmap to Craft Business Success

So there you have it.

The roadmap to turning your DIY craft passion into a $6,500/month business.

Is it easy? Nope.

Is it possible? Absolutely.

People are doing it right now.

The question is, are you ready to join them?


  1. Find your niche
  2. Set up shop (start with Etsy)
  3. Price for profit
  4. Master product photography
  5. Nail your SEO
  6. Leverage social media
  7. Scale smartly
  8. Build an email list
  9. Stay authentic and passionate

Now go make something awesome.

The world is waiting for your crafts.