Build a Profitable Business: Generate Income Every Month with Remote Sales Strategies

Last Updated on October 13, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

Ever dreamed of hitting that sweet $7,200 monthly revenue?

Sounds like a pipe dream, right?

Well, it’s not.

With the right remote sales strategies, it’s totally doable.

Let’s break it down.

Why Remote Sales?

Remote sales is booming.

No joke – it’s projected to grow by 12.2% annually from 2023 to 2030.

That’s a goldmine waiting to be tapped.

But here’s the kicker:

Most people are doing it wrong.

They’re stuck in old-school tactics that just don’t cut it anymore.

So, let’s fix that.

The Mindset Shift

First things first:

Forget everything you think you know about sales.


The game has changed.

It’s not about pushing products anymore.

It’s about solving problems.

Think about it:

When was the last time you bought something just because someone told you to?


You bought it because it solved a problem for you.

That’s the mindset we need to adopt.

Finding Your Niche

Now, here’s where most people mess up:

They try to sell to everyone.

Big mistake.

You need to niche down.



Because when you try to appeal to everyone, you appeal to no one.

Here’s how to find your niche:

  1. List your skills: What are you good at?
  2. Identify problems: What issues can you solve with those skills?
  3. Research demand: Is there a market for your solution?
  4. Analyze competition: Can you do it better than others?


The riches are in the niches.

Building Your Offer

Alright, you’ve got your niche.

Now what?

Time to build an offer that’s impossible to refuse.

Here’s the secret sauce:

Value stacking.

Don’t just offer one thing.

Stack value on top of value until it becomes a no-brainer.

For example:

Instead of just offering social media management, offer:

  • Social media management
  • Content creation
  • Analytics reports
  • Monthly strategy calls

See the difference?

Suddenly, your offer looks a lot more attractive.

Pricing Strategy

Now, here’s where it gets interesting:


Most people undercharge.

They think lower prices = more sales.


Low prices often signal low value.

Instead, focus on value-based pricing.

Ask yourself:

How much is your solution worth to your ideal client?

Price accordingly.


If you’re not slightly uncomfortable with your pricing, you’re probably charging too little.

The Sales Funnel

Alright, let’s talk funnels.

No, not the kitchen kind.

Sales funnels.

Here’s a simple one that works wonders:

  1. Awareness: Get their attention (social media, ads, content)
  2. Interest: Pique their curiosity (free value, lead magnets)
  3. Desire: Show them what’s possible (case studies, testimonials)
  4. Action: Make the offer (sales call, email sequence)

The key?

Provide value at every step.

Don’t just sell, sell, sell.

Give, give, give… then ask.

Mastering Remote Sales Calls

Now, let’s talk about the money maker:

Sales calls.

But here’s the thing:

Remote sales calls are a different beast.

You can’t rely on body language or handshakes.

So, how do you nail it?

  1. Prep like a pro: Research your prospect, prepare your talking points
  2. Tech check: Ensure your audio and video are crystal clear
  3. Build rapport: Start with small talk, find common ground
  4. Ask, don’t tell: Use open-ended questions to uncover their pain points
  5. Listen actively: Really hear what they’re saying (and not saying)
  6. Present solutions: Show how your offer solves their specific problems
  7. Handle objections: Address concerns head-on, with empathy
  8. Close with confidence: Ask for the sale, assuming the yes


It’s not about being pushy.

It’s about guiding them to a decision that’s best for them.

Leveraging Automation

Now, here’s where things get really interesting:


It’s the secret weapon of successful remote sales.


Because it allows you to scale without sacrificing quality.

Here are some key areas to automate:

  • Lead generation: Use tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator or ZoomInfo
  • Email outreach: Set up sequences with tools like Mailshake or Lemlist
  • Meeting scheduling: Use Calendly or Acuity to let prospects book calls
  • Follow-ups: Set up automated reminders and check-ins
  • Proposal creation: Use templates and tools like PandaDoc or Proposify

The goal?

To spend more time selling and less time on admin.

Building a Referral Machine

Want to know the fastest way to $7,200 a month?



Referred leads convert at a 30% higher rate than non-referred leads.

That’s huge.

So, how do you build a referral machine?

  1. Overdeliver: Go above and beyond for every client
  2. Ask: Don’t be shy about requesting referrals
  3. Incentivize: Offer rewards for successful referrals
  4. Make it easy: Provide templates and talking points for referrals
  5. Follow up: Thank referrers, even if it doesn’t lead to a sale


Happy clients are your best salespeople.

Treat them right.

Continuous Improvement

Alright, last but not least:

Never stop learning.

The sales landscape is always changing.

What works today might not work tomorrow.

So, stay sharp:

  • Read: Books, blogs, industry reports
  • Listen: Podcasts, webinars, audiobooks
  • Network: Join communities, attend virtual events
  • Experiment: Try new tactics, measure results
  • Reflect: Regularly review your performance and adjust

The goal?

To stay ahead of the curve.


Wrapping Up

There you have it.

The roadmap to $7,200 a month with remote sales strategies.

Is it easy?


Is it worth it?



Success in remote sales isn’t about luck.

It’s about strategy, persistence, and constant improvement.

So, what are you waiting for?

Time to get selling.