5 Steps of Repurposing Old Content: How to Keep Your Content Strategy Evergreen

Last Updated on September 19, 2024 by Arif Chowdhury

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, creating fresh, engaging content can sometimes feel like an uphill battle.

But what if I told you that the treasure trove of content you’ve already created could be your secret weapon? Welcome to the art of repurposing old content – a strategy that not only saves time and resources but also breathes new life into your existing materials.

Did you know that, according to a study by Curata, 29% of leading marketers systematically reuse and repurpose content? This statistic alone should make you sit up and take notice.

Let’s dive into why repurposing content is crucial and how you can master this technique to keep your content strategy evergreen.

Why Repurpose Content?

1. Maximize Your Content’s Lifespan

Think of your content as a fine wine – it often gets better with age. By repurposing, you’re extending the shelf life of your valuable insights and hard work. Instead of letting great content gather digital dust, you’re giving it multiple opportunities to shine and reach new audiences.

2. Reach Different Learning Styles

People consume content in various ways. Some prefer reading, others enjoy visuals, and many love audio content. By repurposing your content into different formats, you cater to diverse learning preferences, making your message more accessible and engaging to a broader audience.

3. Boost SEO and Traffic

Repurposing content can significantly impact your SEO efforts. By presenting the same core information in different formats and contexts, you create multiple entry points for search engines to find your content. This strategy can lead to improved search rankings and increased organic traffic.

Strategies for Repurposing Content

1. Turn Blog Posts into Infographics

Visual content is king in the digital realm. In fact, infographics are liked and shared on social media 3x more than any other type of content. Take your data-rich blog posts and transform them into eye-catching infographics. This not only makes complex information more digestible but also creates highly shareable content for social media platforms.

2. Create a Podcast Series from Your Articles

With the rising popularity of podcasts, why not turn your written content into audio gold? Take a series of related blog posts and use them as the basis for podcast episodes. This allows you to reach the growing audience of podcast listeners and gives your content a more personal, conversational touch.

3. Compile E-books from Related Blog Posts

Look through your archive and identify clusters of posts around similar themes. These can be compiled, with some additional content and context, into comprehensive e-books. This not only provides value to your audience but can also serve as a lead magnet to grow your email list.

4. Transform Webinars into Video Tutorials

If you’ve hosted webinars, don’t let that content go to waste. Edit the recordings into shorter, focused video tutorials that address specific questions or topics. These can be shared on YouTube, embedded in blog posts, or used in email marketing campaigns.

5. Create Social Media Snippets

Break down your longer content pieces into bite-sized nuggets perfect for social media. Pull out interesting statistics, memorable quotes, or key takeaways and turn them into shareable graphics for platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Best Practices for Effective Content Repurposing

1. Start with Your Best Performers

Begin your repurposing efforts with content that has already proven its worth. Look at your analytics to identify your top-performing pieces. These have already resonated with your audience and are prime candidates for repurposing.

2. Update and Refresh

When repurposing older content, take the opportunity to update any outdated information. Add new insights, freshen up statistics, and ensure that the content remains relevant to your current audience and market conditions.

3. Tailor Content to the Platform

Each platform has its own best practices and audience expectations. When repurposing content, make sure to adapt it to fit the platform where it will be shared. What works for a blog post may need significant tweaking to work as a LinkedIn article or a YouTube video.

4. Maintain Consistency in Messaging

While the format may change, the core message of your content should remain consistent. This helps reinforce your brand’s voice and key points across different channels and formats.

5. Don’t Forget to Cross-Promote

When you repurpose content, make sure to link back to the original piece and vice versa. This creates a web of interconnected content that can keep visitors engaged with your site for longer periods.

Measuring the Success of Your Repurposed Content

To ensure your repurposing efforts are paying off, it’s crucial to track their performance. Use analytics tools to monitor metrics such as:

  • Engagement rates
  • Time on page
  • Social shares
  • Conversion rates
  • SEO rankings

Compare these metrics to those of your original content to gauge the effectiveness of your repurposing strategy.

Embracing the Circular Content Economy

Repurposing content is not just a time-saving hack; it’s a strategic approach to content creation that can significantly amplify your marketing efforts. By giving your existing content new life in various formats, you’re maximizing its potential reach and impact.

Remember, great content deserves to be seen, heard, and experienced in multiple ways. So, dive into your content archives, get creative, and start repurposing. Your evergreen content strategy awaits!